Chapter One

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A lot can happen in two years. There are seven hundred thirty days for things to change, for relationships to strengthen, and for choices to be made. Over the last two years, I have become comfortable being a hybrid. My relationship with Adam has become stronger, and we have chosen to live together, meaning I now live in his house, along with Rose. At first I thought it was going to be awkward considering Adam and Rose are siblings and I am dating Adam, but it's not like that at all. Rose and I get along really well, so well that it annoys Adam sometimes. Especially considering she tells me stories of when Adam was a child. Trust me when I say that they are hilarious and Rose and I laugh about together all the time. Some people may say that me laughing at my boyfriend's expense is mean, but trust me, we laugh at each other. For example, even during my transformation two years ago, I grew taller. I am still quite short compared to Adam. He loves to poke fun at me for it.

"Adam, did you order the pizza?" I ask as I'm struggling to hang up some decorations. I hear him walk into the room and then chuckle. He takes the decorations from me and puts them on the wall.

"I order two cheese pizzas along with one pepperoni and cheese pizza," He says to me, tapping me on the head and I nod while playfully growling at him. This causes him to laugh, which causes me to smile. One of my favourite things about him is his laugh.

We are getting ready for a turning party for my parents and Lauren. A turning party is essentially one last celebration as a human, and then when the night is over, you get turned. We share stories about the people being turned. We share drinks with them as, after being turned, they will not be able to feel the buzz of alcohol. As Adam explained it to me when he first introduced me to the idea. It is a last human horah before a birth into a new life. My parents decided quite quickly that after my eighteenth birthday, they wanted to be turned into vampires. Lauren decided as well that she would want to be turned after she turned eighteen, which was about a month ago. The last two years have been a whirlwind. I graduated from high school and my ultimate plan is to go to medical school and eventually become a doctor like my parents.

"How's Lauren?" Adam asks me

"She's good, but I think she's still really nervous about turning," I say. Lauren has told me that she wants to turn, but she fears what it's going to feel like. I've explained the feeling to her multiple times, but she's still nervous, which is understandable. I remember when I was scared of the concept of death and I am trying my best to reassure her, just like Adam did for me. I'm also nervous as I have never turned anyone before. We decided a while ago as a family that Adam and I were going to turn Lauren. Rose is going to turn my mom and Zach is going to turn my dad. Where it's my first time turning someone into a vampire, Adam is going to be there to help me. Which I am thankful for because the last thing I need and Lauren needs is for me to mess up.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and when I check it; I see Lauren is the one calling. I walk into the kitchen and take the call.

"Hey Laur," I say

"Hey Meg," she says and I immediately know something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Can you come over? I want to talk," she says and as I listen closer to her voice, I realize she has been crying.

"I'll be right there," I say and then say goodbye and wait until she hangs up the phone. I head back into the living room and walk over to Adam.

"Lauren wants me to go over to my parents' house. I'll be back in a little bit," I tell Adam.

"Okay, say hello to them for me," He says and then gives me a quick kiss. I quickly put on some shoes and a jacket and then speed out the door. I make sure to stay in the woods so nobody sees me using my speed. Lauren is still living with my parents. Her parents gave my parents custody last year after they wanted to move to Grease for her new job. Lauren didn't want to move, and she didn't really enjoy living with her parents.

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