Chapter 11

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As my eyesight cleared I looked up into the surprised face of Steve. He looked astonished.

What are you doing here?! He asked.

"I know this looks bad. I was captured by Hydra and you need to send SHEILD to get us. I don't have time for the whole story."


"Yes you idiot. Bucky and I. Could we please continue this conversation outside. The place is going to blow in like four minutes."

Steve's face paled.

"Oh no. Did you do something stupid Steve?"

When I went by, it only read one minute.

"Oh my gosh! Get out get out!"

I realized that time must have gone faster then I thought. Now we probably only had seconds. Bucky peaked his head in the door and opened his mouth to tell me to hurry, but his eyes widened when he saw Steve. Then, one of the bombs went off. The ceiling above the door shook and cracked. It was going to collapse. I pushed Steve through the door just as the ceiling fell. It completely blocked the door. I was trapped. I began running. I jumped up on a metal scaffolding hanging above the large room below. I began running, hoping to find an escape. Another explosion blew me across the room. I grabbed on tight to something sharp. I held one side with my fingers and my wrists were on the other side. I opened my eyes and saw I had grabbed a metal blade. It was part of the reason why we were here. SHEILD had made a drill that could drill the earth for valuable essentials. It was in the middle of the room. It was made of thousands of tiny blades. I had a hold on one. My hands grew slippery with blood as the blade cut my hands. I let go and fell about five feet to another blade. It was longer in width. I landed so my collarbone and right below my ribs hit the edge of the blade. The pain was excruciating.

I felt myself falling again. I fell eight feet and crashed into a glass observatory cube. Glass shattered and I hit the ground.

I was barely conscious. I saw another explosion blow a hole in the wall next to me. Bucky ran through the hole and saw me. I was fighting the darkness that threatened to kill me. I felt myself being picked up. A Hydra helicopter was flying overhead.

All SHIELD agents had fled or were injured. Hydra lowered the helicopter and I was laid on a stretcher. The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was Bucky collapsing as the armory blew.

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