Chapter 48 : Post Marriage Rituals

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Then Satanika, Shrutakarma, Shrutasena and Abhimanyu came.

"Maa, save me. It's so weird to be around newly Weds. They do weird stuffs. They look at each other. Eww," Satanika complains.

"Let's see what you do in your wedding, bhrata," Shrutkarma teases.

"Me? Wedding? I will be the cool uncle always," Satanika announces proudly.

Draupadi and Hidimba shake their head and concentrated on the new couples. Ignoring others who have started to bicker again.

"My eyes are blessed seeing you two," Draupadi wiped her tears. After years she is crying for happiness.

"Jiji, welcoming Sutasoma and Maya is your right first," Draupadi says.

Hidimba touched Draupadi's face in adoration then moved towards Sutasoma and Maya.

Draupadi took two garlands and welcomed Prativindhya and Siyaanshi. They touched her feet.

"Yasasshi vaba, Putravati vaba," Draupadi blesses them.

Then she moves towards Sutasoma and Maya and Hidimba came Infront of Prativindhya and Siyaanshi.

"Welcome home, my brave Sutasoma and Maya. Yasasshi vaba putra, Putravati vaba," Draupadi blesses.

Siyaanshi and Maya placed their feets in the altah and their red footprints painted the door of Devapath.

Draupadi smiles looking at it. She recalled a certain day.

The new couple were taken to different chambers. Draupadi took Siyaanshi and Maya to her chamber.

"It's a ritual for you two to stay with your mother in laws before we finish all the rituals," Draupadi explains.

Draupadi noticed Siyaanshi and Maya quiet scared. Of course, Kuruvansa is a huge family. And being the eldest daughter in laws is a hassle on its own. She knows it better than anyone.

"Putri, rest for some time. Some rituals are waiting for you in the evening," Draupadi smiles at them softly.

Draupadi leaves the chamber and went to her sons chamber. They are all gathered in their private living room. The teasing is continuous from the youngesters. Draupadi smiles seeing the children of Kuruvansa have came and joined them cordially.

Draupadi shook her head smiling. Her heart suddenly ached. Yaudheya, Niramitra, Savarga, Iravan, Babhruvahana, Suhotra all came to the wedding. Why didn't they come to her? She loves them no less than she loves her sons. She waited, expected them to come to her. But they never did. One time she saw Niramitra coming towards her from the other side. She was hopeful. But as soon as he saw her, he turned around and left. Draupadi sighs sadly. Maybe their mothers have forbidden them to contact her in any way.

Again Duryodhana has managed to surprise her. As per rituals she had invited every king to come to Devapath with her sons. Most of them did. She also had to invite Duryodhana and his brothers, Shakuni for traditions. Why did they come?

Draupadi groans in annoyance. She should have just pretended to not notice him. And where is her sakha? He was flew away again... Karn isn't here as well. She needs a mental support to deal with Pandavas, Kuruvansab and this huge guest lists all together. Hidimba is a great woman but she is...not a person to look for mental support. For God knows she will go out with a sword in her hand.

In the evening, the rituals with the new couples have started. Two pots were placed side by side and filled with milk.

Satanika has taken the responsibility of being the generous host and is continuously leaving teasing comments in his speech.

"So, the rules are simple. A ring will be dropped in this pan and bride and groom have to find it. If the bride finds it first, she will lead the marriage life and if the groom finds it first, he will lead," Satanika announces.

"Bhabishree, you have to win. You have to save us from our Jyests continues beating," Shrutkarma pleads.

The competition started. Satanika and Shrutakarma were noticing them with a smirk on their faces. They noticed both couples were lost in each other. Maya suddenly smiled and looked down blushing.

"Areh... bhabishree, did you hold my brother's hand instead of the ring?" Satanika teases.

Maya widens her eyes in embarrassment and shock of getting caught.

"Bhrata Satanika what will it mean then?" Abhimanyu asks confused.

Maya blushed. Indeed she hold Sutasoma's hand instead of the ring. She began to remove her hand but Sutasoma caught her. Maya pleaded with her eyes to let her go but Sutasoma winked at her mischievously.

"Karma, I was right. Now that will mean Bhabishree will forever rule over our bhrata Sutasoma's heart and life," Satanika announces.

People bursted with laughter seeing them turning completely red.

Prativindhya found the ring first. He smiled at his wife and pushed the ring in her hand. Siyaanshi blushed looking down.

"And here Bhabishree has won," Shrutkarma announces.

"I accept your lead in our marital life always," Prativindhya whispers softly.

"And both of our brothers have accepted our bhabishrees' lead in their life. We should go for the next ritual," Satanika announces.

Duryodhana was also looking at them and enjoying it. Though his eyes drifted to Draupadi time to time. A feast to the eyes he must say. Only if she had chosen him in her swayamvar, nothing like this would have happened. She could have lived a happy life by his side. She would have been his queen.

Well, the option is still open. When he first saw her in Panchal, he knew this woman had the capacity of making him kneel in front of her and offer his entire world at her feet. When he heard about their unusual marriage, he was envious of Pandavas. They managed to get his kingdom and the beauty as well. He smirked. Even the Dharmraj fall into her charms and did the unthinkable.

"Mere bacce, quit smiling so enthusiastically. Here you should be feared not smiling," Shakuni says.

"She looks beautiful," Duryodhana smirks.

"You fool, the more time passes, the more she is getting stronger. You need to ensure that she can't harm Hastinapur and you," Shakuni says.

"What should I do, Mamashree?" Duryodhana asks.

"Secure your relationship. Satanika is unmarried. Make sure to get Lakshmana's proposal for him," Shakuni says.

"Mamashree, they are cousins," Duryodhana protests.

"Your relationship is very distant. You don't share the same blood with her. Even if you shared the same blood, it's completely normal to marry between cousins," Shakuni says.

Duryodhana thought for a second. Definitely a good decision. In Draupadi's house, his daughter will never lack anything. Love, money, status. Satanika is the Yuvraj so she will also have political power in her hands. Draupadi will never mistreat her because she is his daughter. As much as he knows Draupadi, this woman's soft heart will never allow her to think of Lakshmana anything less than her own daughter.

"You are right, Mamashree. Lakshmana will be happy here," Duryodhana says.

"Indeed she will be. And on the way, Draupadi will soften and won't hurt her daughter in laws father in any sense," Shakuni smirks.

"I will present this proposal today itself," Duryodhana says.

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