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Adam gave an unsure chuckle as he watched me, "are you sure you're okay? That's your fourth glass of wine. You can't still be nervous, can you?" he asked me and I gulped down the rest of the drink in my mouth, suddenly realising that I was drinking too much.

"Hm," I hummed as I set the glass down, my eyes flashing everywhere as I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. I was sitting on the edge of my seat, afraid of my phone for some reason. I was drinking a glass for every call that I ignored from Kores. It was like he knew, and it was like he knew that I knew that he knew. "Oh, er," I cleared my throat and heard my phone vibrate in my purse. Fifth call. "er, ye-yeah."

"Are you sure?" Adam didn't seem to be buying it, his expression was one of concern. His eyes flashed to the purse, the sound of my vibrating phone was powerful enough to make him pay attention as well. He paused for a moment, "your phone's ringing again? Are you not going to answer it?"

I didn't answer him, I just looked at him, and he looked at me. I saw the suspicion in his eyes, the wonder of just why I wasn't answering my phone. Probably a boyfriend, some lover that I was cheating on, or a boy that I was entertaining looking for me; at least, that's what I would think if I was on a date and they didn't answer their phone.

I looked at him, unable to explain the sinking feeling in my stomach as I blinked. The buzz of alcohol making it such that the emotions that I was experiencing hit me like a train. I don't know what he saw on my face, if he saw the panic, or the way that I was suddenly...afraid. Just like I had been, he turned his head and looked over his shoulder, looking around the place. Adam looked back at me, "are you okay? What's going on?" he asked me, and I couldn't explain it even if I tried.

I swallowed, unable to stomach the prawns that I'd ordered. "I have to use the bathroom," I said in a heavy breath, picking up my purse and standing up from my chair. I didn't say another word to him, I only found myself walking towards the bathroom, fighting the tears that threatened to fall, the pounding heart and the way that it felt like things were about to go horribly wrong.

I couldn't understand why I felt like I was doing something wrong with Adam. I suddenly found myself regretting coming here tonight, I felt like I was in trouble. I fished for my phone, as I was on my way and my trembling hands gripped onto it. I entered the bathroom, pushing the door using my shoulder and as I walked into it, I tossed my purse carelessly onto the counter before I began to panic.

I began to hyperventilate and pace up and down as I looked down at the screen.

5 missed calls.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," I began to panic, unable to breathe or calm myself down. What am I going to do? Why the hell am I panicking?

I looked at the phone as if an answer would magically appear. What was I going to tell him? I was at the movies with Ama? Yeah...that sounds good. I was watching a movie and my phone was on silent, super sorry. "Yeah, yeah, that makes sense," I stammered to myself as I rushed to message Kores.

As I was typing, I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening but I didn't care to look up. I was still trembling over my phone, hating how I seemed to be spelling everything wrong and autocorrect refused to do its job. I only froze as I was looking down at my phone, and a pair of shiny man shoes entered my line of vision.

My head whipped up and I was about to scream, but I was met with a man in a black and white suit, and he held out a phone towards me. "What the he..." I couldn't even speak, my words got caught in the middle of my throat as I looked at the man fearfully, wondering what a man who seemed to be over 6 feet tall was doing in the ladies room. I thought of the worst, was he going to rape me? Kill me? I hadn't realised that the bathroom was empty.

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