While in Gauches body, the entity whispered instructions in his ear once more. Simone knew that if he made his intentions to destroy the mirror world obvious then the entity would certainly send him back. Simone communicated with the entity and charmed it with enthusiasm to help it accomplish its goals. The entity, pleased with his enthusiasm, rewards him with brief flashes of Gauches memories.

Simone could get the basic gist of who Gauche knew but he couldn't get enough to know what kind of person he was or how people perceived him. Simone explained that his original plan was to destroy the mirror world but when he entered the black bulls base, everything changed when he met Asta.

He realized that Astas anti magic was the key to defeating the entity once and for all. Simone contemplated just telling the magic knights about his situation but he knew that the entity would punish him if he did anything too obvious.

However if the group managed to fail he admitted to attempting to destroy the mirror world. The black bulls were a plan b in case the mirror found him out. That's why he decided to leave the logbook instead of taking it with him. Simone also left his scry mirror to slowly show glimpses of the future to the one who held it in case the treasure hunt was confusing, he made the map in a rush after all.

The group is taken aback by Simone's admission, their emotions in turmoil. Noelle takes the initiative to address the situation, her voice filled with a mix of concern and skepticism.


(looking directly at Simone)

And what about Marie? You used her in those rituals, didn't you? What would have happened to her?

Simone nods solemnly, acknowledging Noelle's question.



Marie... she wasn't in any real danger. The rituals only required young blood, and if it weren't for the dark entity, I would have simply taken a blood sample from her. I didn't intend to harm her, I promise.

Simone's voice carries a tinge of regret and remorse as he addresses the group.



I know I've caused you all trouble, and I don't expect you to forgive me just because of my sob story. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I apologize for everything I've put you through.

The group listens in silence, their expressions conflicted. They understand the pain and remorse in Simone's words, but they still grapple with the weight of his past deeds.

As the group processes Simone's confession, he continues to speak, a glimmer of relief in his eyes.



But now that the dark entity has been vanquished, I'm glad it turned out the way it did. If you made it here to this secret chamber, that means you must have defeated the entity in Grey's body.

Finral, feeling a mix of confusion and concern, interjects.



Wait, Simone. We entered here using spatial magic. We haven't fought the entity in Grey's body since our last encounter. What do you mean?

Simone's face pales with fear, his voice urgent as he issues a warning to the group.



You have to find Marie immediately! If the dark entity is still alive, then... Hurry!

Before the group can inquire further, a familiar and menacing voice fills the chamber, sending shivers down their spines. They turn to see Grey contorting, surrounded by a dense fog of dark magic.

Noelle reacts quickly, aiming her wand at the fog and unleashing a burst of mist that dispels it. Grey lies on the ground, her body solid once more. The group rushes to her side, concern etched on their faces.



What... what happened?

Luck, always straightforward, chimes in with a mix of relief and humor.



You were contorting like a spider, Grey! It was wild!

A moment of lightheartedness fills the chamber, but it is abruptly shattered as Grey suddenly clutches her head in pain, a migraine taking hold. The group instinctively tries to approach her, but a powerful gust of dark magic pushes them away, pinning them against the walls.

They realize they are trapped, unable to move but not with enough force to break free. The dark magic holds them firmly in place, leaving them vulnerable and unable to help Grey.

When Grey opened her eyes again, her eyes became two different colors. Her left eye was still reminiscent of her natural blue but the right eye was a bright yellow that seemed to have cracks around the pupils. She smiled as she walked towards Simones spirit, Simone calls out to Reina to stop. But Grey just smiles and tilts her head as she shouts "Consume... Grow... Conquer...".

Simone tries to tell Reina to stop one more time but the entity controlling Grey raises her hand as the dark magic forms into a black hole. She tells Simone that Reina he knew was gone long ago and all that remains is an empty soul that she can use as a host. They tilt their hand letting the blackhole roam closer to Simone. Simones spirit begins to fade and turn to dust, his remains are sucked into the void of the dark entities spell.

Or that's what would have happened. In the blink of an eye Simones spirit was back leaning on the wall with Grey holding her blackhole again. Vanessa sighed in relief, glad that she connected her fate thread to Simone beforehand. The entity summons a mirror behind them to protect themself from Noelles' water dragon. Another Noelle steps out of the mirror and shoots her attack at the same time, canceling the dragon entirely. The Noelle double and the mirror disappear at the same time.

The entity in Greys body turns to them and says the same thing it's always said: "Consume...! Grow...! Conquer...!" Dark magic creeps from underneath them and reaches for the mages as dark spikes.

Vanessa pulls her string which launches everyone through the air and above the spikes. They land next to Simone. The entity screams at the mages and runs at them. Luck quickly throws lightning to slow down the entity as it runs, the entity summons small blackholes to swallow the lightning that gets close to them but also summons mirrors that reflect the lightning bolts that miss and send them back to the group. Finral quickly uses his spatial magic to send the lightning bolts elsewhere but is scared of what's happening in front of him. The entity is using two magic attributes Mirror magic and Dark magic! It almost felt impossible. Suddenly the entity is caught in strings which Vanessa revealed that she set up while luck was shooting lightning bolts. Vanessa asks the entity to give Grey back but the entity screams "Consume...! Grow...! Conquer...!". The black holes are summoned and are about to eat away at the strings but suddenly, they turn into rocks and fall down. The entity tilts their head curiously, still sporting the same menacing grin but then their expression changes into a determined look as they suddenly shout "Guys... RUN!"

The group hears the shriveled voice of the entity but feel Greys presence shouting for them. They saw Greys magic! If the situation wasn't bad enough, the walls of the chamber begin to shake and rocks begin falling. But Noelle ignores it and asks Grey if she's still in there to which the entity starts shaking but manages to give them another response forced by Greys spirit "You have to leave! This place is going to collapse!"

The group tells Grey that they won't abandon her and try to get closer but Simone summons a mirror which teleports them outside, using the same mirror he and Marie used to get to the chamber. They watched the secret chamber crumble down with Greys body still inside. Luck looks at Simone with a menacing aura telling him that he made a mistake for sending them out.

Simone deflects this by saying Grey will be fine because of the dark entities dark magic. As he says this, the crumbled chamber begins to float and become smaller. Simone tells them that they have to protect Marie from the entity.

Having no time to argue, the group quickly runs to find her.

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