The Grey Birdie

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Chapter 7


Grey's feathers glistened in the sunlight as she gracefully glided through the cerulean skies of Clover Kingdom. Her avian transformation granted her a newfound sense of freedom, enabling her to explore the vast landscapes below with a bird's-eye view. With the actions of the midnight sun currently, it was hard for Grey to be roaming the skies like this but it seems to be calming down so she took the opportunity.

Along her flight, a quaint town appeared underneath her. She identified it as Rayaka village and remembered Magna set off there a few days ago. Grey decided to see what her fellow delinquent was up to and descended towards the village, Grey's keen eyes caught sight of Magna working with cement nearby. 

As Grey descended from the sky, her wings gracefully extended, catching the attention of a group of mischievous children nearby. Their eyes widened with excitement as they mistook her for a real bird, their imaginations running wild. With giggles and laughter filling the air, they reached for rocks lying on the ground, ready to engage in a playful game of target practice.

The children aimed their rocks at Grey, their small hands sending the stones sailing through the air. Startled by the sudden onslaught, Grey let out a startled cry, her transformation lost its stability in one single poof!

The children froze in their tracks, their playful grins turning into wide-eyed shock as they realized their mistake.

A large figure donning a dark cloak fell from the poof of mist and headed straight towards the ground. 

The children gasped and jumped in shock "What the heck!?" one of them exclaimed, backing away from the scene.

The figure twisted their body and tumbled safely on the ground, right in front of the children who were terrified of their appearance. The bird they were throwing rocks at became an extremely large, heavy-set man with slicked-back black hair, sphere earrings with links that connect to other small spheres that hang, and glowing eyes. The rest of his appearance vague and indescribable because of the darkness that came along with him. 

The man towered over them in silence, his stare unwavering. But of course, this wasn't a dangerous man. It was just Grey. A very embarrassed, shy, and currently conflicted Grey.


 Meanwhile, Magna, who had been working on his fire magic training nearby, was alerted by the commotion. Concern etched across his face, he swiftly turned around and rushed towards the scene. His eyes narrowed, ready to confront the culprits behind the disturbance, but as he reached the kids who were crying in front of his guildmate, he had to take a moment to figure out what was going on.

After a moment of explaining to the kids and comfort to poor Grey, Magna diffuses the situation peacefully but not without some much needed scolding.

"What do you think you're doin', chucking rocks at birds?" Magna's voice carried a hint of authority, but his words were laced with a playful charm.

The children, now standing before Magna, looked down, their remorse evident on their faces. One of them muttered an apology, their voices filled with guilt. Magna's stern expression softened, and he placed a hand on the child's shoulder.

"Look, I get it. Birds are fascinating, but throwing rocks isn't the right way to interact with them," Magna said, his voice gentle yet firm. "You gotta show respect for nature and its critters, got it? Next time, use those eyes of yours to appreciate their beauty from a distance, without causin' any harm. Capiche?"

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