"I won't let that happen my love" I vowed to my wife...my darling Hecate "I won't make the same mistake that my weak brother did. I'll kill him before he even has a chance to take you away from me." 



"Where are we?" I asked as soon as I untangled my limbs from Xenos, turning in a complete circle to take in all the sights around me. 

Xenos leaned against a tree, his eyes tracking my every movement. 

"My favorite place in the entire world" he said softly "The one place where I usually come to escape the bullshit that is my life." 

"And where is this favorite place of yours located?" 

"Surprisingly," His lips tilted up "My favorite place happens to be Zephyr's grandmother's realm." 

I cocked my head to the side "And where is..." 

I trailed off, my eyes widened when I realized which Grandmother Xenos was talking about. 

"Demeter's?" I gawked at him "We're in Demeter's realm?" 

He nodded. 


"Demeter gave me access to her realm when I was a boy" Xenos said softly, his lips tilting in a fond smile "She knew what life was like at home for me and, being a mother herself, decided to give me a safe space to go if I needed help." 

My eyes softened "And I'm guessing you used to come to this place often?" 

"I did" he said "Having parents and siblings as unyielding as mine...was particularly hard. Being the youngest boy of seven siblings...I was never allowed to be myself. I was often compared to my brothers and sisters, never being as physically or mentally strong as they were no matter how hard I tried. Instead of giving up on me and shifting all their focus onto my siblings, they made it their lives mission to make my life a living hell" 

He closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath in. 

"Under the guise of wanting to make sure I 'lived up to my full potential' they tortured me to their hearts content" he swallowed thickly "For everything I did right, they would push harder. For every mistake I made, their punishment was crueler than anything you could ever imagine." 

My heart ached at the thought of a young Xenos facing those punishments...how scared and alone he must have felt. 

I couldn't even imagine the horrors he faced at such a young age, nevertheless, at the hands of his own parents...the people who were supposed to protect you from the evils of this world. 

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