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3 Months Later


"What do you mean that Hades is metastasizing?" Poseidon barked at me "What the hell even does that mean?"

"Yes, what does metastasizing entail?" Zeus leaned forward in his chair, placing his chin on his intertwined hands "Is he transitioning his power? His soul? What exactly does this mean for the King and Queen of the Underworld?"

I scratched my beard as I leaned back in my father's...now mine...desk chair.

"I've looked through thousands and thousands of books, scoured through lead after lead, and searched for different healers all to just come back to the same conclusion"

"Not to mention getting hammered at every available second" Poseidon snorted "Let's not leave that little tidbit out, shall we."

I ignored him, and the little pang in my heart at the mention of drowning my sorrows away.

"They're getting worse as the days go by." 

I threw a scroll on the desk for them to read what little piece of information I found regarding the Metastasis transformation.

"...For the evils of the world were all contained in one Pithos, the most powerful object the world has ever seen. It was crafted by the Gods...gifted by the Gods...and will ultimately be the demise of the Gods. For the one thing that was left behind was the one thing that could untether them all."

Poseidon swore and Zeus sat back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face.

"I knew that, that decision would come back to bite you in the ass" Poseidon growled at Zeus, pointing at the screen where I was monitoring Hades and Persephone 24/7 "But of course you never listen to me."

"I don't listen to you because your track record of bad decisions is as almost as high as mine" Zeus smirked "Plus, I'm the King and I really don't have to listen to you little brother."

Poseidon growled and looked at me "What do we need to do to fix this? Can this even be fixed? Or at the very least, slowed down?"

"I came to you two for answers" I raised an eyebrow "I was hoping you would know how to fix this. Why are you looking at me like if I have these answers?"

"Because you found the scroll" Zeus cut in "And if you found this scroll then there has to be another one out there telling us what we need to do to reverse this process."

I snorted "Well...there's not."

"Did you try hard enough?" Poseidon asked sarcastically "Or were you too busy trying to navigate through you alcohol induced haze?"

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