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I woke up with a gasp, clutching at my chest as the pins and needles feeling spread to the rest of my body like wildfire erupting. 

I lifted my shirt and found that the wound I had endured from Cerberus' fatal strike was no longer there. 

My skin was smooth and unmarred and looked perfectly normal. 

It was almost like nothing ever happened to me in the first place. 

Like it was all just one never ending nightmare...

I would have believed that if I didn't physically remember all the blood and pain I'd experienced just before I succumbed to my injuries. 

I could almost feel the phantom pains of where the sharp Minotaur horn went through my chest, a millimeter below my heart.

I made sure to feel around the area where I knew the wound was located just in case my eyes were deceiving me. 

They weren't. 

The wound was completely gone...like it wasn't even there in the first place. 

"What..." I sat up on the small cot in the corner of the very dark room, only lit up by the small window on the opposite wall of where my bed laid "Is going on here? Aren't I dead?" 

"You got lucky girl" a rough voice said from somewhere beyond where my eyes could see "Normally, with a wound like that, you would have been dead." 

I snapped my head around at the voice "Whose's there?"

A dark chuckle sounded "Does it truly matter who's here if I mean you no harm?" 

"It does" I said cautiously "Considering that I don't know who you are and what you're capable of doing to me." 

"There are others here, in case you're wondering" he said, an amused tone lacing his voice "I'm sure you'll meet them later on." 

"Who are you?" I reiterated "And where am I? This doesn't feel like my Elysium." 

"It's not." 

"Then where am I?" I stilled "Better yet...how am I still alive?"

"That's a lot of questions for someone who doesn't trust a person they can't see" the voice said, amusement lacing his tone "How do you know what I tell you is the truth?" 

"I don't" I said simply "But I do know you want something in return or else you wouldn't have spoke up like you did. You would have left me alone to my own devices and minded your own business if you didn't know something about the reason why I'm here." 

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