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"How did you figure out?" 

"That hag was locked up for twenty-two years without out a peep. Never even attempted to escape it either" I explained "No one, not even Kronos himself, was capable of breaking out of Tartarus. It's not hard to figure out that she has to have been let out."  

I rolled my head his way and locked eyes with him. 

 "The only way that it would have been possible is if you, the son of Hades, one of the three original keys, could open the Gate. You let her out Zephyr. What I want to know is why? Why would you knowingly let her out considering how much damage she would cause once free?

"You concluded all of that by yourself?" he asked sardonically, deflecting my deduction "And here I thought Phebe was the genius of the family."

A grin curled at the corner of my lips "She is the Genius. I'm just the muscle."

A smile appeared briefly on his face before it disappeared just as quickly.

"I had to do it Xenos" he whispered, gazing at the women as she exited the mausoleum, locked its doors, and waved goodbye to the guards "It was the only way to save her life."

"So you traded her for Hecate" I said, confirming my suspicions about why he would let her crazy ass out "My question is why? If your mate was already dead..."

"She was dying Xenos" he said, a slight shake to his voice "But she wasn't dead yet. You and I both know that Tartarus follows a different time pattern than it does here. If there was a chance to save her, any chance, I had to take it."

"How do you know it even worked?" I asked curiously "How did you even get the idea of trading your mate for Hecate anyways?"

He looked away.

This time, I was the one who tensed "Zephyr?"

"Cerberus seemed to know much more about the Gate than we originally thought" he said through clenched teeth "And as much as I didn't want to trust that what he was saying was untrue, I couldn't chance it. I couldn't waste the opportunity to save the other half of my soul."

I was finally down to my last petal of the Rose, the most vibrant of them all, and took a deep breath before asking my next question "Do you think she's still alive?"

His shoulders tensed and he hunched in himself slightly "I hope she is...or else this whole journey would be pointless."

"I thought the whole point of this journey was for revenge?"

He shook his head "I'm doing this for her. Everything I'm doing is for her. Every choice I've made so far has been for her."

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