As they proceeded, the atmosphere grew increasingly oppressive. They entered a chamber filled with scrolls and books, the shelves teeming with tomes that hinted at the involvement of forbidden magic. The air was heavy with the stench of decay, as test tubes and rotting animal corpses littered the surroundings.

The room seemed to pulsate with a malevolent energy, the very air drenched in a thick, dark aura. The flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the peeling walls, emphasizing the foreboding nature of the space. The silence was broken only by the occasional flutter of pages or the distant drip of water, amplifying the feeling of desolation and dread.

Vanessa's thread magic quivered as she sensed the lingering traces of powerful spells and incantations that had been cast within these walls. The forbidden knowledge contained in the scrolls and books held a potent allure, yet their malevolence was palpable.

Asta's grip on his anti-magic sword tightened as he surveyed the room. He could sense the twisted intentions and dark desires that had once filled this space, leaving an indelible mark on the very fabric of the room.

Noelle: What is this? The dark magic here is so thick!

Luck: "Aw man, looks like there's nobody in here. The magic is so condensed I was sure that there was someone strong here...Finral! Pretend to be a dark monster and fight me!"

Finral: "Please have mercy on me!"

Asta: " Noelle, is your mirror glowing anywhere?"

Noelle: " It's definitely here but I'll bring the mirror around to see where it glows brighter"

As Noelle walks around the room she gets a sudden vision from the scry mirror:

Noelle looks in the scry mirror and sees a vision of a dark ritual being performed in a desolate location. She sees a group of mages, cloaked in black robes, gathered around a large, ornate mirror. The mirror is inscribed with strange symbols and runes, and it seems to shimmer with a dark energy.

Suddenly, the mirror shatters into a thousand pieces. The vision shifts to creatures with sharp features and a glassy texture. They twist and contort in inhumane ways.

Then a man watched over a sickly woman in bed. He stroked her hair with such gentleness.

Finally, Noelle sees the mages who are now bloodied and injured, sealing the a mirror away. She sees them hiding the mirror, and she senses a powerful warding spell being placed around it. 

The vision turns black and Noelle hears the words..



"Grow... "



Vanessa, concerned for Noelle, approached her with a gentle touch on her arm. "Noelle, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Noelle blinked, snapping out of her dazed state. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I must have been lost in thought," she replied, slightly flustered.

Asta, his concern evident, chimed in. "Are you sure you're alright? You were walking into the wall without stopping."

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