For the Better or for the Worse?

Start from the beginning

 Even when he was being his usual rough self, it never gave her this feeling of uncertainty before. Though still harboring reservations about Gauche's demeanor, she decided to let go of her unease for the time being, hoping that his intentions were indeed sincere. The sister exited the scene quietly as to not disturb the two.

The Adlai siblings go on their monthly routine of going through town, Gauche and Marie talk with a few of the towns residences and even help around. At some point Marie begins to grow quieter.

Gauche: Look up at the sky Marie, its billow clouds. They're very rare, i dont see them often.

Marie: Gauche you're... acting strange.

Gauche: (looks down to Marie) Hm?

Marie: "I mean...nnormally you would praise me and tell me what an angel I am.

Gauche: (Curiously) You want more attention?

Marie: (dismissing) Oh, no, Gauche! It's not that. I... umm... I'm happy to see you treating other people well but I guess I'm just used to the attention you always give me is all.

Gauche: (lowers himself, looking into Marie's eyes) you're a sweet girl Marie, you deserve the attention.

Marie looks at Gauche with surprise but she's not sure why. Her brother just said something that he always says but she couldn't help but feel that it was different somehow. Marie noticed that he's never gone down to her level before. Usually he would pick her up and squeeze her. Somehow... it felt like he was actually looking into her eyes for once.

Gauche: (standing up) well, lets get to that bakery. There's some errands we need to do.

Marie: (unsure) Gauche, can I ask you something?

Gauche: Of course, Marie. What would you like to know?

Marie: (thoughtful) Gauche, if you could change one thing about me, what do you think it would be?

Gauche: (pausing) Marie, there is nothing I would change about you. You are perfect just the way you are.

Marie: (sighing) But everyone has flaws and things they wish they could not have.

The young girl pouts as she stares at the ground, feeling her brothers calloused hand reach hers and squeeze them reassuringly.

"Marie," Gauche pauses before continuing "we all have things we want to change about ourselves, but those imperfections are what make us who we are. I wouldn't want you to be anyone other than yourself.

Marie paused to fully absorb what her brother has just told her. 


He wants her to be herself? 

Her eyes widened with a mix of surprise and hope.

Marie: (surprised)Really?

Gauche: Really. Now let's go to the bakery, there's already a line.

Gauche guides Marie to the bakery, holding her hand throughout the way. As they walked hand in hand towards the bakery, Marie couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Gauche's response to her question had reassured her in a way she hadn't expected. It was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, and she could now freely express herself without the fear of disappointing him.

She looked up at Gauche, noticing the genuine smile on his face as he listened attentively to her talking about her friends' favorite flavors and treats. It was a simple act, but it spoke volumes to Marie. Gauche was not only accepting of her friends, but he also showed a genuine interest in getting to know them and making sure they felt included. He's never done so before.

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