She smiled widely as soon as the little children welcomed her at the same time, cute smiles on their faces.

She didn't know why, but she just felt at peace and welcomed. Those children probably didn't even know who she was...And that feeling, 'feeling loved' by someone who didn't even know who she was or what she had gone through, not knowing how wealthy she was or what family she came from...It was just so blissful. It made her, somehow, feel the way she felt with Minjeong.

"Hello, welcome to COEX Aquarium. Did you like the tour?"


She giggled, standing in front of them, in front of some small aquariums with small fish and sea stars, facing the curious and overly-excited children.

"My name is Yu Jimin and I'm the main marine biologist here at the aquarium. Do you know what a marine biologist is?"

Her eyes diverted to the side, spotting a young boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes holding his hand up. Jimin smiled.

"You know it?"

He nodded, lowering down his arm, "Eomma told me that a biologist is someone who studies animals and plants, so a marine biologist is someone who studies animals and plants that live in the sea."

"Very well," Jimin said, smiling, looking at the other students, "Today I'm going to talk about dolphins. Does anyone here know anything about dolphins?"

"They're not fish," A little girl said, blinking her eyes cutely.

"What are they then?" 


Jimin looked to the side, seeing the same boy from before as his classmates stared at him. This time she stared at him longer, feeling a familiar feeling stirring on her chest. The more she looked into his eyes, the more she recognized them. And the way her heart started beating...It almost felt like it was pounding and ripped apart from her chest.

"...Yes," Jimin said, nodding, breathing out a soft smile, "You're right."

"I heard they're very smart," Another boy added, grabbing her attention right away.

Still, that feeling wouldn't go away.

"Dolphins are very intelligent and have an excellent memory. The most commonly trained dolphins actually are bottlenose dolphins. Dolphins are very sociable animals as well."

"They're cute," A girl said, making Jimin laugh and nod.

"They're very cute, I do agree," Jimin smiled, "So well, what do you know about mammals, in general?"

"They're warm-blooded."

"Good," Jimin said smiling, "And how do they have babies?"

"They get pregnant and then have the baby like my eomma," A little girl answered cheerfully, making Jimin laugh softly and nod effusively.

"Not all mammals, but most of them. You're right. Us humans are also mammals."

She took in a deep breath and leaned down, grabbing a small file, "Well, here you have a file with some basic facts about dolphins and their body parts. What I want you to do is draw a dolphin, each one of you. Then, we'll write their body parts together, okay?"


Jimin sighed and breathed out a smile, blinking her eyes a little. Her eyes inwardly diverted towards the black haired boy from earlier, the same that had answered several of her questions correctly. She pursed her lips and approached him, stopping by his side as he drew a dolphin, obviously concentrating on what he was doing.

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