"I am Broggy. What about you little human?" the now named giant asked her with a big smile.

"I'm Anamaria Sparrow ser" the pirate responded with a big smile in return.

"Well then, welcome to the Little Garden" the male told her, now clarifying the place she was at even if she didn't recognise it. Anamaria blinked again as her recent memories came to her, remembering that she had fallen into the water during the battle against Cuttler Beckett's fleet.

"Oh my" she thought.

Of course it was not the first time she had 'died'. She had been to Davy Jones' locker with her brother after being swallowed by the Black Pearl since she didn't want to leave her brother alone on the ship, which was considered dead by that point. Still, she had never been to a place called the 'Little Garden' so she was more than confused. Anamaria had also remembered how she had heard a familiar voice say something after she had fallen into the water and blowing on her.

"Broggy?" the giant hummed down at her while he hadn't moved the entire time "Do ya think I could stay with you for a bit?"

"GAGAGAGAGAGAGA!" the giant's laughter shocked her and Sable woke up from her dazed state "OF COURSE YOU CAN LITTLE ONE!"

Anamaria smiled up at the giant, feeling at ease that for now she had some company since that would not make her go crazy like she and Jack had back in the locker. The giant stalked to where his home was, Anamaria suspected, taking her there and giving her a place to stay for a while.


Anamaria had now spent the past two months living in Little Garden with Broggy and sometimes even spending some time with the blonde giant's adversary, Dorry, after she had found out that even though the two of them fought they were actually quite well acquainted. She had even been able to cut out new clothes from Broggy's old clothes when she noticed her own were too broken apart. If she had worn the type of short clothes back in her country she would have been considered either a witch or a prostitute but it was nice to wear them in such a warm climate.

The most usual things she did on the island, when she wasn't treating the giant's injuries and telling them off, was train with her sword, which had been a gift from her 'uncle'; studying from the few maps that were around the island caves that Dorry and Broggy had in their opposite sides of the island and finding out what had happened to her right before she was sent to the Little Garden.

'Anamaria had been running away from a giant T-Rex the first week of her stay at the large island since she had only ever seen such large creatures in the waters close to the Devil's Triangle. Hoping that the large creature could not swim since she knew that the two giants were now distracted confronting each other, Anamaria swam into the sea that licked the shores of the island.

Unfortunately, the dinosaur did follow her into the salt waters, splashing loudly behind her. Right when Anamaria had swam far enough that the water went above her head, she stopped to catch her breath for a moment. The large reptile was gaining 'ground' on her when a sudden wave swallowed it up. Let me clarify a bit. There was a surge of water that begun right in front of Anamaria without pushing her out into deeper waters.

The sea covered the T-Rex's head drowning out its roars. The animal tried to resurface only to constantly have the water cover it again and again until it didn't appear again to the surface. Anamaria sighed, thinking that she had gotten lucky this time since she had been getting used to seeing weird things in these parts. That was until the water beneath her tired legs solidified and somehow helped push her back to the shores of the island.

Like how the sea reacts with Moana.

Anamaria was put upright onto the sand and the sea retreated back into the more open waters. The woman, unsure of what exactly had happened, decided to wait to rest up and once her energy had been restored, she tried to go back into deeper waters once more.

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