LXVIII.a walker feast

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Austin thought about sleeping

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Austin thought about sleeping. He was locked in a pitch black room with nothing else to do, sleeping seemed to be his only thing to possibly do. It was cold and lonely, he was starting to think that he was seeing people in the shadows. But, that was only his eyes playing tricks on him. The door opened up for the first time in hours, a bright light causing him to squint.

"Sleep good?" Negan looked down at Austin, waving a sandwich in his face. "Come on. I got something to show you."

Austin hesitated, his eyes glancing down to Lucille. Negan laughed. "You wanna eat or not?"

It didn't seem like he had much of a choice as this point, walking out of the cell and taking the sandwich from Negan. He was expecting something vial to be waiting for him, but a freshly made chicken sandwich waited. Hs didn't bother to fear the possibility of poison, he knew that Negan would kill him in a much worse way if he wanted him dead. Negan nodded his head as the two walked through the sanctuary. "So, Natalie's gone again. Take it she's back at Alexandria, right?"

Austin ignored him. Negan laughed again. "Also...I think it's time you know that you're here for a reason. Your buddy, Daryl? Escaped right before you got here. Pretty awesome trade, really. I didn't know the two of you were so generous."

Austin stopped chewing as his insides felt like they were about to spill out. Not only did he come for Natalie, Daryl and Eugene were a huge part of this mission. All to now realize that Daryl wasn't even here, he didn't need to be saved. Negan took joy out of Austin's expression. "That's okay...I think I like you better anyways."

Negan stopped as Austin did the same, straightening his back up to try and some what be on the same level Negan had been. The older man smiled down to him. "You want to see my office?"

It was exactly what he said it was. An office. A couch for him to sit in, a chair for Negan to intimate him from. The pair stared back and forth at each other. Austin inhaled deeply, the anger bubbling up in his chest. "What the hell do you want from me?"

"Oh?" Negan laughed as his tone. "So, you didn't loose your ability to speak. That's a relief."

He leaned forward and nodded his head. "You like that sandwich? I get one of those every single day. You know what else I get? Bunch of different wives. Bunch of men doing whatever I ask them to do. It's like, the world went to shit and I was elected king. And Kings make the rules, don't they?"

Austin glared as he tilted his head. That rubbed Negan the wrong way as anger casted over his face, grinding his teeth together. "You have that same look your Dad and brother have, you know that? You look at me that way one more time and I'll bust your brains out all over my office."

"Why haven't you yet?" Austin didn't know what he had to loose. Negan was gonna kill him either way, he was trapped here regardless if he died now or later. "That's what you've wanted this entire time. Now i'm here, and you haven't laid a finger on me."

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