Chaper 9

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He pushed Tommy inside the house slamming the door grabbing his head he shoved the kid on the door making Tommy let out a sob in a pain. "You fucking disgrace! I had to leave work early because your fucking stupid ass can't just be a normal person," he said angrily "I'm sorry!" He cried. "Your sorry? Yea that's shit! Your going to fucking pay!" He said punching the younger in the gut making him cough and cry harder.

He grabbed onto his fathers arm sleeve for support. Witch his father just kneed him in the face. Tommy looked up at him in pain. "I hate your fucking guts, I wish you where never born!" He yelled pushing Tommy onto the floor and kicking him hard in the ribs multiple time's.

He heard the sound of a car pull up. "A school bully did this to you, got it?" He said with Tommy nodded, his dad forced him up and to sit on a kitchen chair and he grabbed a cloth wetting it and started cleaning the blood off his face.

"What happened?" He mums said shocked entering the house. "Some kid beat him up and locked him in a locked for two hours," his father said. She looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry I was at the dentist," she apologized, she already talk to puffy, she knew all that happened was being locked in a locked and the rest was his father.

"Here can you help him I really need to get back to work," he said which his mum nodded taking the cloth. So he left. "I'm so sorry, where else did he hurt you?" Asked his mum. Tommy broke out in tears again pushing himself into his mum. "I know, today hard," she said rubbing his back.

"Why don't people like me," he cried. "Tommy we like you," Tommy looked up from his mother shoulder shocked to see Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, puffy and Phil there.

He sniffed wiping his tears. "Here your nose is still bleeding I need to hold the towel here," she said. "Where so sorry your dad was called," said Wilbur, his headphones where on the floor and looked broken. "We'll get you a new pare," said Tubbo.

Tommy looked down sadly. "Mum is today enough to leave?" Tommy wispered to his mum . "I'll need to see if it was caught on camera and clear enough but if everything looks good then it should," she say which Tommy nodded.

"Why don't you bring Tubbo, Ranboo and Wilbur up to your room?" She said which he nodded, grabbing the towel himself wasn't an option because he couldn't stand the texter. "Bud do you think you can try holding the towel?" She asked which he shook his head.

"Alright, but you'll be bleeding out your nose, are you ok with that?" She asked which he nodded. "Ok no towel,"

So they went upstairs, Tommy slightly lumping the whole way. "This is your room? It's nice," tubbo said Tommy srugged he has a lot to music related things.

"Wow you like minecraft too?" Ranboo said. "Yea, my favourite game," Tommy said. "Mine too! Me and Tubbo play together all the time!" Ranboo said. "Same!" Wilbur said. Tommy smiled. "We should all play together sometime!" Tubbo said which Tommy nodded, he sat on his bed, he was in pain.

"Sorry again about everything today Tommy," Tubbo said sitting next to him. "Did noting wrong," Tommy said. "Yea but maybe we could have changed the outcome," Tubbo said which Tommy shrugged, he didn't care if they maybe could have changed the outcome, it happened and they where there helping him that's all what mattered.

"Alright I'll stop apologizing," Tubbo said relizing Tommy didn't mind. "Wow is this an actual signed poster form bo burnham?" Asked Ranboo, witch Tommy nodded. "Seen him live last year and he signed it," he said happily. "That's so cool!" Ranboo said.

"This is all so cool Tommy, wow," Wilbur said, he was looking through Tommy's record collection. It was a pretty good collection witch all types of music.

The adults came up to the room. "Tommy can I check your ribs?" Asked his mum which he nodded. He hissed at the touch of the other. "That hurts?" She asked which he nodded. "You probably brushed a rib," she said, which he nodded agreeing.

"So is the video enough?" Asked Wilbur which Phil nodded. "Hey Tommy I know your stuff is really important to you but you can't keep all of it, we can bring some of it to a storage container I opened a few years ago without your dad knowing but we can only do one trip," she said.

He sadly nodded, he understood that he would have to lose his stiff at the start of the agreement. "Can I give my stuff away and keep some of it? So they don't go to waste?" He asked witch his mum nodded. "Chose what you want, but I keep my clothes, band shirts are expensive," he said with a small laugh at the end. "Thank you Tommy," they said.

Ranboo took the signed poster, Tubbo took some music related stickers and Wilbur didn't take anything, he and Tommy talked and figured out he will be bringing his records to the storage room and his record player. Meaning Wilbur can borrow some if he wants, he is liveing there.

It was quick getting the records who where already sorted in boxes into there car and Tommy's clothes all fit in a suit case. They put it in Puffy car since his mum has to leave there car there. Due to her husband being able to find her though it.

They then got his mum some clothes and important things for her all packed in one box. Which she only taking her clothes to Phil's and the important stuff will stay in the storage unit as most of Tommy's clothes too. They are staying in there living room, they couldn't really take there stuff.

"Thank you all for everything," she said to them, it was 9 pm by the time the stuff where drop at the storage container and they made it back to Phil's. "Of course, just a question dose your husband know Tommy's ussual squedual?" Puffy asked witch his mum nodded, then she understood why she asked.

She looked back at Tommy who was happily hanging out with Wilbur, they where watching a movie. "I'll break the news to him later," she said witch puffy nodded sadly.

"The cops are already doing everything they can, hopefully things will go back to normal soon," she said with his mum nodded.

"Yea, thanks both of you for being there for Tommy," she said to Ranboo and Tubbo. "Of course where his friends!" Tubbo said.

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