Chapter 5

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Ok I had no idea what to do with the end because I got side tracked mid sentence when I started writing this the other day and I had no clue where I was going with it. Also this is not proof read, it's late ok and I want to continue writing.

Class was done and Tommy didn't really know what he was supposed to do. Was he supposed to meet with his friends somewhere? Wait for them? No one told him anything and it stressed him out. "Hey Tommy!" He heard Tubbo's voice, he turned around and seen Tubbo. "Where just waiting for Ranboo now, he's probably showering, want to go meet him at the gym?" Asked Tubbo, so Tommy nodded, holding Henry tightly in his arms, they were off.

At the gym there was other people waiting. "Wilbur!" Tubbo said happily, seeing a older kid, looked around Dreams age. "Hey Tubbo, you waiting for Ranboo?" Asked the Wilbur kid. "Yea, who you waiting for? Do you have some freshmen kid you befriended that isn't us?" Tubbo asked putting a hand on his chest being dramatic.

"No my brother forgot his book in gym from first period and needed to go get it, looks like you befriended a freshman though," Wilbur said, looking over at Tommy who was hiding behind Tubbo slightly.

"Oh yes! I forgot he was there, sorry Tommy, this is Wilbur, and Wilbur with is Tommy's and he's Henry!" Tubbo said, Wilbur was confused who Henry was but as soon as Tubbo moved a bit out the way he seen the stuffed animal. "It's nice to meet you Tommy! Are you listening to music?" He asked witch Tommy nodded.

"Oh what song?" Wilbur really liked music and wanted to figure out the kids music taste. He nervously looked down. "I don't think he's good at talking to people older then him," Tubbo said. "That's alright, does he have social anxiety or something?" Asked Wilbur. "He's autistic," Tubbo said, witch Wilbur nodded.

Soon another came out holding a book, witch Tommy hid behind Tubbo more. "Who's the kid?" Asked the guy who came out, looking at Tommy.

"That's Tommy, Tubbo's new friend," Wilbur said. The other nodded and looked down at his book, seemed like no one touched it. Ranboo then came out seeing the small swarm of people.

"Oh- hi" he said 4 people surrounded the door, it wasn't what he expected. "Ranboo! Your here, let's go show Tommy are spot!" Tubbo said excitedly. 

"Is your brother eating with us again?" Asked Ranboo. "He might, his friends are still not at school, George has a cold and Sapnap is visiting his family back in America," Tubbo said, witch Ranboo nodded.

"Wilbur you eating with us today?" Asked Tubbo. "I was but I want the kid to be comfortable to talk and stuff with you guys so I'll eat with Techno," Wilbur said. "Please, Dreams going to be there and he's your guys age, he will warm up to you, like he's talked to Dream after meeting him today," Tubbo said.

"I have a English paper I need to do, go hang out with the children," Techno said. "You guys are only a year older then us." Tubbo said, witch wilbur laughed.

"Alright I'll eat with you guys if Tommy's ok with it," Wilbur said. Tubbo turned to Tommy. "Is he ok to eat with us?" Which Tommy nodded.

So soon they where off, going to find there spot, Techno went to the library to do his paper.

"So we sit here, it's really nice and quiet," Tubbo said, sitting down, which Tommy did next to him, Henry in his lap now. "Purpled will show up soon, do you know if he's here?" Tubbo asked Ranboo. Witch they shook there head. "I didn't see him before class," he didn't shear any classes with them so they wouldn't know.

Tommy was just nervously looking at Henry.

"Hey Tommy, did you know I like music too?" Asked Wilbur, trying to get the kid to get comfortable with him so he can have fun with his friends. Tommy shook his head. "Yea I'm actually the lead singer of the school band and I play the guitar, do you play any instruments?" Asked Wilbur, witch Tommy nodded. "Oh nice, witch one?" Asked Wilbur. Tommy looked down nervously, Wilbur realized Tommy can't respond "oh yea sorry Tommy, I forgot-" Tommy figured out how to show and did motion like he was playing the piano.

"The piano? That's cool, I use to play when I was 7 but I quickly gave up, just wasn't my thing," Wilbur said, happy Tommy found a way to communicate with him.

"Hey Wilbur!" Dreams said sitting next to Wilbur, making it so he was next to Tommy too. "Hey Dream, how are you?" Asked Wilbur. "I'm fine, hi Tommy, have you been with Henry all day?" Dream asked, Tommy looked down sadly and nodded. "If he ever touches you again tell Tubbo or me, I will protect you ok? Plus I think Henry glad you where with him all day, don't you think?" Asked Dream which Tommy nodded.

"What happened?" Wilbur asked Ranboo which he just shrugged. "Josh was bullying him, pushed him to the floor, kept calling him names and making fun of him because he's autistic," Tubbo said sadly, they looked over at Tommy sadly, he seemed to be ok, it was hard to tell since they can't see it in his face, but he didn't seem as tense as earlier, his shoulders wasn't tense.

"That's horrible," Wilbur said. "Yea, but Dream helped, and got to class so I think that's good," Tubbo said, with a small smile. "That's why he was crying..." Ranboo said sadly, witch Tubbo nodded.

"Did you not bring a lunch?" Asked Dream, witch made them look over, Tommy shook his head. "Oh yea he usually eats at the cafe," Tubbo said realizing. "Yes but I have that covered," said a voice, they all look towards the voice. "Puffy!" Tommy said happily getting up.

"Hey Tommy, I relized I forgot to mention to your mum you can't go for lunch so I brought you some," she said. He looked at what she brought, it was his usual lunch order. "Thank you!" Tommy said happily taking it from her.

She smiled and nodded. "You boys became friends?" She asked, which Tubbo nodded. "You where right Tommy was really nice," Tubbo said. She smiled and nodded. Tommy then suddenly remembered about Henry and looked, looks like he feel on a jacket, he's fine. Tommy sat down and grabbed his bag, and his money. "No Tommy it's free, you don't need to pay," he looked at her a bit anoyyed. "If not for you then for the homeless, you choose," he said making her take the money, she let out a small laugh. "Thanks Tommy, I got to go back, you boys have a good lunch, ok?" She said, witch he nodded.

"Bye mom, thank you for bringing Tommy food!" Tubbo said. "Yea, bye mom" Dream said, she waved goodbye and left.

"Your moms close with Tommy?" Asked Wilbur confused. "Tommy eats at are moms cafe every morning and lunch, they got pretty close over the years," Dream said. "Oh that's nice," Wilbur said. "Yea me and Ranboos seen him a few times, due to his headphones we never walked up to him, been wanting to meet him for a while though," Tubbo said.

Tommy just ate his food silently while listening to music. His phone fell out his pocket and was on the floor and 'running in the 90s' by Max Coreri was playing, witch was a song non of them recognized.

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