Chapter 2

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I mentioned this in the discription but this story is based off of a story by lisaaaaa1616 it's called 'out of control' yes it's about an autistic character falling inlove, butttt I'm not doing that, everything is pluraly friendship and platonic.

Tubbo was soon back with his stuff and Tommy quickly finished his food. "Your done?" Asked Tubbo. "Need to wash my hands," he said, looking down at therm, there wasn't anything on them but just incase. "Alright, I'll wait here for you, want me to grab your bag?" Asked Tubbo, witch Tommy shook his head then walked to the bathroom. Once he was done watching his hands he came back out, grabbing his bag, fixing the headphones on his head and he was ready to leave, just needed to pay. He walked up to the counter and pulled out his money, the exact amount. "Thanks your all good to go, see you Tomorrow Tommy? Are mom won't be in for a few days, but niki will be here as usual after school," said Dream. "Oh. Why she not here?" Asked Tommy.

"She doing volunteer work, she off somewhere in London, helping the homeless during the day, until Friday," he said.

"Oh, that's nice of her! Bye" Tommy said walking off, Dream lightly laughed to himself. Tubbo waved to his brother goodbye, he was just going to close up, then follow close behind to go to school too. "So Tommy, what classes do you have? Iv seen you in my math and English class but I haven't seen you in the other two periods, nor have I seen you at lunch," tubbo said, walking beside the other who was tapping his fingers along to his music.

"I have math, science, lunch 'A' a free period and then English," Tommy replied. "Oh we shear a lunch? I haven't seen you around the cafeteria, where do you eat?" He asked.

"At the cafe, I do my work during my free period too, but this week I have no where," he said. "Oh, that ok, you can hang out with me and my friends!" Tubbo said happily, walking infront of him, backwards, facing him. Tommy shook his head. "Cafeteria to loud," he said, fixing the headphone on his head. "We don't eat in the cafeteria, my friend Ranboo not good with sounds either, we eat in the yard, it's usually quiet, sometimes there's kids playing football but not usually, most you'll get is a bit of yelling but we move," Tubbo said, he could see his brother a bit behind them.

"Oh" Tommy said. "So you want to eat with us?" Asked tubbo, witch Tommy looked to his side hesitantly as he continued to walk, just slower. "What's wrong? What ever it is I won't judge, promise!" Tubbo said. "I eat with Henry, it's only when I can see him and I need him, he my best friend!" Tommy said.

"Oh who's Henry? I thought you said you didn't have any friends?" Tubbo said confused. "Everyone says Henry doesn't count because he a stuffed animal," Tommy said tearing up a bit, they both stopped walking. "Oh Tommy," Tubbo said sadly. "Henry dose count! Don't listen to what any of the others say! Henry can eat with us too, do you have him on you?" He asked witch Tommy nodded. "Want to take him out your backpack, to comfort you?" Asked Tubbo.

"No, don't want Henry to get hurt or dirty," said Tommy. "That's ok, but why would he get hurt?" Asked Tubbo asked. Witch Tommy shrugged. "People are mean," he said. Tubbo teared up, yet he nodded. "Yea people are, I'm sorry you can't take him out because of what other people do, with me and my friends you don't have to worry about him getting hurt, I can get Niki to knit Henry a small blanket to sit on so he doesn't get dirty, would you like that?" Asked Tubbo.

Witch Tommy face lit up, him doing a small exsited jump, nodding purposely. "Alright, after school if you want to go to the cafe, we can ask, you can even choose colour and one of her designs. She really likes knitting and iv heard my mum and Niki talking about you, they both like you very much, she would be happy to make this for you," he said, Tommy was happily stimming the rest of the walk, excited for the blanket for Henry, he's going to be so happy hearing about the blanket!

"Hey look at me!" Josh said, mimicking Tommy's stimming, getting his friends to laugh, Tommy looked down, stopping. "Hey Tommy ignore them, let's go inside," Tubbo said, so Tommy nodded they began to go but josh came up and blocked there way. "Where do you think your going freak? Looks like you finally made a real human friend, didn't think you where capable of that, what is he a freak too?" He asked, his little spectators just laughing as josh poked Tommy hard in the chest each time he called him a freak, or tubbo a freak.

"Hey leave him alone! He's not a freak!" Tubbo said angrily to the elder. "Oh you speak, unlike this one," josh laughed pushing Tommy to the floor, his headphones flying off his head, witch made him start to silently sob.

"Back off, dick!" Dream said pushing josh, Tubbo relised his older brother will handle it so he grabbed Tommy's headphones then bent down next to him. "You ok?" Asked Tubbo, witch Tommy shook his head, crying more.

"He's a fucking freak! Why are you defending his autistic ass! Look at him, everything about him screams freak, his stupid band shirts, his headphones, the way he always taps his fingers, he doesn't even talk! He's a freak!" Josh said angrily.

"He's not a freak dumbass, never fucking speak of Tommy that way ever again! Got it? You think your so tough because you can spot out the ones who can't defend themselves but honestly, I think your a week little boy, because strong people don't put others down just because they can't stand there shittie life!" Dream said angrily.

Which at that Josh swung, punching Dream in the face, making Dream fight back and Tommy sobbed more. The fight barely lasted 2 minutes before there where teachers separating them, they where informed of what exactly went down so Dream was luckily free to go but Josh was dragged to the office.

He ran up to Tommy, slowing down the closer he got. "Tommy you ok?" Asked dream. "No no no no no," he kept reaping, shaking his head with his hands against his ears. "I tried to give him his headphones, showing them to him, even tried putting them on him myself but it just made him freak more, I don't know what to do!" Tubbo said freaked out.

Dream was thinking hard how to help, then he remembered the conversation of theres he overheard, he grabbed Tommy's backpack, taking out the stuffed animal and putting it in front of Tommy. "Wait! Yes! Tommy can you look up a bit? I think we can help," Tubbo said, so he did, as soon as he seen Henry, he uncurled from his ball, hands off his ears and he snatched it from Dreams hands hugging it tightly. The nurse was looking at them nervously, usually they have to call Tommy's Mum to get him to calm down.

Dream gave her a light smile and a thumbs up, showing her that he was going to be ok, even from far away he could see her sigh and the light smile she gave back, as she turned and walked back towards the entrance of the school.

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