Chapter 7

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Wrote this in the car because where stuck in traffic due to rush hour, so I'm not going to proof read it because I'm getting car sick.

The next day Tommy did his usual morning routine and left for the cafe, his mood still low since Henry was gone, as soon as he got in the cafe he went to his seat and rested his head on his arms, on the table. "Hey Tommy, you alright?" Asked Dream witch the younger just shook his hand. "You want to talk about it?" He asked witch again Tommy shook his head. "Alright, I'm going to go make your food, Tubbo already at school he and ranboo went early for some band meetup or something," Dream said, witch Tommy just nodded, today he was in a horrible mood. Dream in less then 5 minutes brought out Tommy's food witch he barely ate 5 bites of, Tommy payed then left. Dream sadly trew out what Tommy didn't eat, something was wrong and he assumed it had to do with the cafe closing earlier yesterday.

Tommy walked to school, 30 minutes earlier then usual and he sat down outside on the curb. "Aw looks like the freak's friends barley lated a day," josh said going up to Tommy, the other didn't respond nor even show he heard. "Oh now your mute and death?" He asked angrily. The other continued to ignore him. "I bet your parents are extremely disappointed in you, wishing you whernt there son, if I was your father I would abandon you by the side of the road," he said, making Tommy stand up angrily. "Aw did I hit a sensitive topic? Must be true huh? Your family does actually hate you, that's hilarious! I bet your dad beats you, rightfully deserved," he laughed Tommy punched him hard. "Tommy!" He heard Dream yell.

Witch his eyes full of tears he and josh began to fight, Tommy ended up ontop of josh punching him hard in the face, winning the fight, Dream came over and pulled Tommy off while a teacher held Josh back.

"What did he say, Tommy?" Asked Dream worriedly witch Tommy just shoved his head in the other's stomach and began to sob, Dream hugged him and they ended up on the floor as the kid sobbed and josh was brought to the office, another teacher waiting to bring Tommy too. "Tommy tell me what happened? Did he say something about what happened after school yesterday?" Asked dream, Tommy looked up sacredly, thinking someone told Dream. "So it was about you? Tommy what happened yesterday?" Asked Dream, yet Tommy stayed quiet, pulling away from Dreams embrace so Tommy was dragged to the office, witch was passed the band room so Wilbur, Techno and Tubbo watched them pass, Tommy full of marks from the fight, blood runing down there nose they quickly rushed after them, ranboo didn't see so he stayed to help finish setting up something.

"What happened?" Asked Tubbo ketching up to them. "It's non of your business but if you have to know Thomas here got into a fisicel altication with another student," she said. "What? They must have been the only one fighting, he doesn't deserve to get intruble for being bullying!" Said Tubbo.

"Actually Simons is the one who started the fight," said the teacher, Tubbo looked at Tommy confused yet he wouldn't even look in Tubbo's direction. "Tommy?" Tubbo asked confusly and worriedly.

"Did this have to do something with yesterday?" Asked Wilbur witch Tommy nodded, Wilbur sighed sadly. "Want to talk to your mum?" Asked Wilbur, Tommy looked at him nervously, not responding. "What happened yesterday?" Asked Tubbo, Wilbur shook his head. "Not something for me to shear, only Tommy," Wilbur said.

Techno walked infront of Tommy. "Kid I think you should tell your mom, I know my dad won't let anything bad happen to you," Techno said. "Plus we can get Henry back," Wilbur said, so Tommy nodded, the teacher was confused on what's was going on but didn't say anything.

"What happened to Henry?" Asked Tubbo, Tommy just looked down then he looked at the teacher, trying to tell her they can continue walking.

"Here kid, use this for the blood on your nose," Techno gave Tommy a clean-nex its useful to always have them on you, especially with a septum piercing, if that thing gets snot on it you will need to get it off somehow. Tommy put it up to his nose then they continue to walking.

"Tommy! Are you ok what happened!" Asked his mum as he got to the office, he looked at her sadly, hugging her. "Your son started a fight with another one of are student's, we believe the student broke his nose and he chipped a tooth in the altercation," said the principal.

"Tommy what happened? What did he do?" Asked his mom. "Why does everyone seem to think my son started it! Your child hit my son first!" Asked Joshes mother.

"Because your son has a reputation to bully Thomas, and Thomas here is a model student that always follows the rules, it would be highly unlikely that Josh was appolizing or being nice to Thomas and he just punched him with tears streaming down his face!" Said the principal, tired with his mums shit, she does this every-time, trying to make everyone else seem like the bully's, even in situation like yesterday morning.

"I did nothing! I was just trying to be nice!" Josh said. "Shut up Josh, we all know you weren't!" Tubbo said angrily, Joshes mom and josh broke out into full on yelling, witch Tubbo joined in.

"Everyone SHUT UP!" Yelled Wilbur. Making the room go quite. "Miss Simons we need to talk about something, something witch Tommy gave me premison to tell you and Tommy said that's what this was all about," Wilbur said.

"Yea right he dosnt talk," josh laughed. "Actually he does, just witch people he's comfortable with," Tubbo said. "Yea, and ok he didn't really say it by words this time but he nodded," Wilbur said.

"What is it?" She asked. "Can we talk in a room alone, me , Tommy, you and my brother?" Asked Wilbur witch she nodded, they ended up going to an empty classroom.

"Yesterday Tommy came into the cafe sobbing it was after school and he told us your husband took Henry, then he also told us how he abused him physically sometimes and that if he ever tells you he will hurt him even worse," Wilbur started. "What? Tommy is this true?" She asked worriedly witch he sadly nodded. "We need your help to gather proof, then one day you leave, are dad agreed to let you guys stay at ares until he's arrested," Wilbur said.

She looked sadly at Tommy. "Yea, of course, I can't believe I didn't know about all of this, I'm so sorry Tommy," she started, she felt horrible about not knowing, "You think I should try and get Henry back without making my husband suspicious?". "Maybe if you find it and give it back to Tommy and you guys hide it, like maybe in Tommy's rucksack, it does mean he can't have it out at home, but it's better then nothing," Wilbur said, witch she nodded. "I'll get him back I promise," she said, Tommy smiled.

"Now Tommy you think you can look explain why you started the fight?" She asked witch Tommy didn't respond. "I know your struggling a lot right now and talking is hard but we need you to explain," she said, he just shook his head so she sighed, not because she was disappointed in him, she sighed just knowing he can't explain.

"Here why don't you put your headphones on and listen to music, do you want to calm down and go to your second class or go home?" She asked, he just shook his head, witch she was extremely confused. "You want to still go to your first class?" Asked Wilbur witch he nodded.

"Alright you can do that, let's get the nurses to clean you up and you should be there in time," she said as Tommy grabbed his headphones and put his headphones on, putting his own music on.

They got out and went to the nurses, witch Tubbo was now waiting with Ranboo. "Is everything ok?" Asked Tubbo sacredly. Tommy's Mum nodded, "everything will be alright," she said witch Tubbo relaxed a bit, once Tommy's nose was patched up the nurse gave him a ice pack. "Keep this over your eye and come switch it out at lunch or when ever it no longer cold," the nurse said, so he nodded.

His mum gave him one more hug before they had to go to class. "I'll find him and put him under your bed, I'll keep him safe and set up some cameras," she whispered, witch he nodded, luckily hearing her over the music.

They got in class just a mer few seconds before the bell rung. Tommy didn't talk all day yet he still had a somewhat good day, it was nice hanging out with his new friends.

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