Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board

Start from the beginning

As I entered the mall, the familiar atmosphere washed over me. People bustled around, engrossed in various activities. There was loud and energetic chatter from students, with groups of friends moving around. I always found it suprising that even in an enviroment such as ANHS, people could be so lively. After wandering the complex for a short period of time, I found a quiet corner where I could observe without drawing attention to myself. Each student seemed to have their own motivations, some socializing, others shopping, and a few heading to the gym. I watched as faces and expressions shifted, all partaking in the intricate web of interactions that defined daily life here. I found a small corner with a chair and decided to make it my place of residence for the afternoon. Surely nothing remarkable was to come.


Both Airi and I entered Keiyaki mall simultaneously. The bustling atmosphere was familiar, with students of all grades exploring the mall's offerings. Whether it was the first-year students excitedly discovering the mall's various sections or the older students making use of its facilities, Keiyaki mall was a central hub for the student body. As we strolled through the mall, I took deliberate breaths, intentionally keeping my facial features partially visible. I was testing the reactions to my less concealed appearance, trying to gauge the acceptance or curiosity it might stir.

Inwardly, I reminded myself of my resolve. I couldn't afford to waver or appear weak. I had made my decision and I needed to stick to it. To the world, I was simply "Hoshino Ai," an idol, a role I needed to play convincingly.

Ai: "So, Airi, any specific plans for today?"

Sakura: "Not really... I thought we could start by grabbing something to eat and then figure out the rest."

Ai: "Sounds good. Let's go get some food then." Glancing around, I spotted a quaint restaurant tucked away in a corner of the mall. It seemed to specialize in pizza and had various animal mascots, including a bear, chicken, fox, and rabbit. As I could tell, it was one of those eateries with animatronic mascots that entertained the diners. I had never been to such a place myself, so I was intrigued by the experience.

Sakura: "Do you have a place in mind?"

Ai: "I've heard about that pizza place over there. Seems interesting."

Sakura: "The one in the corner?"

Ai: "Yes, that's the one."

Sakura: "I've never been to a place like that before..."

Ai: "Me neither! There's a first time for everything. Come on." I playfully tugged at her hand, leading her towards the pizza place.

Sakura: "Alright, alright, don't pull so hard!"

We stepped into the restaurant, and immediately I was captivated by the black and white checkered floor and the remarkably lifelike animatronics that were the stars of the establishment. Even as we were guided to our table, my attention remained locked on the fur-covered figures, secretly desiring to reach out and embrace one, despite a somewhat off-putting odor that emanated from them.

The restaurant featured two stages, one for the bear, bird, and rabbit mascots, and another for the fox, although the fox's stage appeared to be temporarily out of commission, which left me slightly disappointed. The ambiance of the place was a curious blend of antique and modern elements, almost as if stepping into a birthday party from a bygone era.

Both Airi and I ordered a pizza each, and I couldn't deny that the food was exceptional. The pizzas were impeccably cooked, with toppings evenly spread and cheese that stood out for its taste and texture. I inquired about the ingredients, and the waiter mentioned something about an old recipe's "remnant." We couldn't finish all the food, so we opted to take some as leftovers before leaving the restaurant. The meal offered a momentary reprieve from the thoughts weighing on my mind, evoking memories of simpler times.

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