17: The trauma of the I.V code

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Gregory's POV:

" Back in 2024, there was an incident. While we were in the making, when we got reintroduce, we were first all made in 1980 something. But we were shut down because of the events of everything. They wanted to test our abilities with tech and energy. We passed the first few, but the other ones got harder and harder. I used so much power, they said take a break. I did, and I started questioning why can't I just do it right? I was made to be anti-virus, so really that's where things started to escalate rapidly."

I felt bad for her, and she continued her story. " So the next test, it was marksmanship. But we had to make our own weapon to get the target and I was being stupid. I made a laser gun and I had it aiming the target. I made the gun with techno-magic and I didn't know how to use it at the time. Then it did shot the target and we kept doing the tests. Eventually we were ready to stop the M.I.M.I.C code and other dangerous viruses. We did our job, then one day, that day I caused an incident during one of the test they wanted to try out."

She paused, trying not to cry. I can feel her sadness, I knew she never hurt anyone. I knew that, she is kind and caring. " Then, the incident happened. All I remember that, there was so much debris, broken pillars and beams, fire. I was wearing azure bracelet.  All because I used techno-magic and we lost our physical They made us a digital world, I shut myself away from the other. My sister, I do considered V.I code as my sister. Try to cheer me up, she told me what happened during the incident. I lost control to my techno-magic, I destroyed their physical. I wanted to control it. I tried over and over again.

" But I failed, woke up knowing my friends were killed." she continued on," and I had to seal those powers away because how dangerous it was. I wanted to forget about that day through visions of the future. That's why I've been painting those paintings for years now. I wanted to forgot, but one day I broke my bracelet and I lost control. I was taken over again and I hurted people. Techno-magic is dangerous for you to control, Georgia. Promise me, you never use it. Promise me, " she demanded to me.

I nodded, " I promise, Ivory, " I promised to her and she hugged me as if she was my mother. " I don't want you to get hurt because of it. I don't want my trauma hurt you, it was my fault for trying to mastered techno-magic without permission. I was idiot back then and now. I know what to do, and make sure you wear that bracelet wherever you go. I can't let you lose control when the techno-magic take over. I don't want to lose you, I see you as my child. Not a vessel, a child I need to care for. I always wanted children, but I never thought my vessel was human. You are not vessel to me, Gregory. You are like my child to me.

" When I first saw you and installed into you. I saw you were an innocent kid, I knew I had to take care of you. No matter what, I wanted to take care of you. And I did, I treated you as my own. Even as a code, I was programming to be kind and caring like a mother. I love you as my child, even though I put through the pain you had to go through. This is my fault, you were chosen and stolen from your family as well as your best friend, Fable. We never want this for you or Fable. But now, it's because of my fault. If I never used techno-magic, maybe you could lived a normal life, " she started to cried again.

I let go of her and I saw her crying and glitching again. This wasn't the first time, she cried as she glitches. The only others times were when she painted something of the past or when something of her past come looking for her. I need to get her to calm down and I remembered Vale's method. I kneel in front of her and I hugged her. I started to comfort her like a kid trying their best to comfort their mother.

Then she started to be more stable and I kept comforting her. She calmed down, " Thank you, Gregory. I don't deserve your kindness, I killed so many people when I used techno-magic. But you did as well, once, " she said, I was confused. I never used techno-magic.

" You did when you and Fable escaped with Delphine. You didn't know at the time, " she told to me and I remembered. When we need to got through the door, I changed the door into a plushie. This isn't real, but I knew that was bad. I only used it once. I should be okay, but I shouldn't never have done that.

" But you are fine, if you use it too much like me. It will hurt a lot of people and your blood is not normal, " she pointed out and I already knew that. " The reason why your blood is blue is because you were born techno blood. A substance that was so rare to be born with, you were the only one who was born with it. For Fable and V.I code to merge was because you needed to be a cyborg. But you, you were born with techno blood. Your mother, Lilium was inject with techno serum which made you inherited it. You are immortal because of it, " she explained the truth to me and I was in big pure shock. 

" But why my older siblings didn't inherited it?" I demanded to her and she sighed. " At the time, they couldn't. I knew why and when I scanned them. It's because their bodies' weren't compatible for it. I don't know either, I tried to everything to find out why. But nothing, no one knows why, okay, " she answered and I nodded. " You should wake up soon, your brother will worried, because you been sleeping for a few days. " she told to me. " What, how is that possible?" I asked to her. 

" The mindscape and the real world worked differently. Time is different, I told you. But you need to wake up, " she told to me

 I closed my eyes...

I woke up with a gasp and I saw Vale was look like he was about to wake me up. " I am awake now, dumbass. You don't need to worry, I was talking with I.V, " I told to him and he sighed in relief. " But we need some help, " he stated and I wanted to help whatever it was.

" With what?"

" Evan hasn't left his room and his house for four days already."

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