16: The bracelet

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Gregory's POV:

We said our byes and I looked at the bracelet Evan given to me. Why does it look familiar? Fable was right, it does look familiar to me. I shook the feeling off and I walked with Vale to our house. We kept walking until we made to home and Vale unlocked the door. Then we went inside the house and we saw a note on the table. I picked it up and I read it.

" They will be gone for a few hours, " I said to Vale, " I guess we have the house to ourselves, " Vale remarked and I just looked at him. " I will go to my room, " I told to him, but he stopped me. " Take your meds, and get some sleep. I could tell you didn't sleep well for the last past days, " Vale reminded me, I smiled. He let go of my arm and I went upstairs to my room. I opened the door and I took my pills from the vanity I had. 

I took one pill and I really need some sleep again. But I am scared because of the nightmares and visions will come at me. I looked at my bracelet, I need to go the library of the house. I left my room, I rushed to get to the library. I opened the glass doors and I entered the library of the house. I went through the shelves, bookstands, and the tables. Then I paused in front of a book section of powerful technology. 

I pulled out the book I needed. It was written by William Afton and Henry Emily. The book was about powerful tech they created in their lives. I took the book and I went back to my room. Then I bumped into Vale, " I thought you were going to sleep, " Vale said and I ignored him. I hear him sighing and I went into my room. I sat on my desk chair and I opened the door. I searched for the content table and I saw the thing I was looking for.

I went to the page and I knew the bracelet look familiar. The bracelet belong to I.V's physical body, before she turned into a anti-virus. The part of the codes' history not a lot of people know about. The codes had humanoid animatronic body before it got destroyed by someone or something. I knew that part of the story and I looked at my bracelet. It was her bracelet, that's why she was shocked and relief to see this bracelet.

I kept reading the page of the bracelet and what I read, shocked me. This was made for the vessel of the I.V and it will help the vessel control the powers more. But my powers never went out of hand and never hurted me. I am so confused and I didn't know what the bracelet could do that to me and I.V. She will never hurt me or herself. I don't get it.

" Don't read the rest, please, " I heard I.V's voice in my head, I was so confused. " Why, Ivory? What is wrong with you and your code?" I asked to her in my head and she was panicking. I can sense that in her. I didn't ask anymore questions, I don't want her to go panicking in my head. or else I might get a headache. This never happened, I wondered why she was silent. She is never like that before. She always warned me about the other codes that is the dark side of them or sometimes she tells me warning about some stuff. I was confused and concerned about her right now.

Whatever the bracelet can do, it will hurt her and me. I knew that and I looked at the text. I needed to find out what will happened. I kept reading the text and I saw the bracelet will do to the vessel of the I.V and I.V code. 

The azure bracelet:

The bracelet was created to control the abilities of I.V program. To aid the code and vessel control the powers. The design of the bracelet was made to look like ordinary bracelet and it will lure the vessel and the code to wear it. But it must be given by the A.L.E.X code's vessel and the code itself. The bracelet was designed to seal the most dangerous ability of I.V code. It was an accident when I.V was being programmed at the time. We tried to seal it with everything, but this bracelet will help control and seal this ability. 

But we also learned that, the I.V code is only accept any vessel or object with some soft of blue substance. We don't know why and the ability we managed to seal away was techno-magic. It is a very powerful ability. We didn't expect to code this into it's programming. The reason why we needed to seal it away is because the techno-magic was too powerful. It nearly damage and destroy the animatronics. We couldn't just get rid of I.V, we need that code. It was made to be a anti-virus. 

So this bracelet was made to sealed that ability. We made sure that power never saw the light of day ever again. This is very dangerous ability and this is why the M.I.M.I.C code should never gets it's hands on the I.V code.

I was in pure shocked and I can hear I.V panicking in my head. This bracelet, Evan tricked me into wearing it, but I need to keep on. 

" I.V, I am not mad at you. I am guessing you have a story to tell me, " I told to her in my mind, and I heard her sighed. " Yes, but you need to sleep. So I can tell you the full story, " she told to me.

I closed the book and I went to my bed. I took off my jacket and I lay on my bed. I closed my eyes, I let myself fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and I was in the meadow, this means I have to see I.V. I walked around the meadow to walk to the usual spot where she is. But she wasn't there and I went to the one place sometimes she will be. The cliffside.

I walked through the path and the forest. I saw her, she was overlooking the cliffside. She looked panicked. I walked to her and I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, she looked distressed. " Ready to hear why you need to wear that bracelet?" She asked to me with quiet voice. I nodded and she sighed.

" Okay, back in 2024. An incident happened...."   

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