(16) Strawberry, Sneezes and tissues

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The crack trio were on a mission. They had two days left until their farewell performance, and Jimin was determined to impress Taehyung.

For a perfect performance, They needed a perfect outfit.

So the three crackheads decided to go shopping.

They dragged Yoongi along with them. Poor guy looked thoroughly unimpressed as they walked into the store, which was filled with rows of strawberry-themed outfits.

Jimin's eyes lit up as he saw the rows of strawberry outfits.

He immediately started browsing through them, pulling out different options and holding them up to himself.

Jungkook and Hobi followed suit, picking out their own strawberry-themed ensembles.

Soon The shopkeeper came to them with a smile and bowed

"Hello Sir...Are you looking for outfits for a kid's party?"

he asked.

Jimin blushed.

"No, Um...we're actually looking for outfits for our farewell performance."

The shopkeeper's smile faded and a frown appeared

"A farewell performance?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Yes, uh...we wanted to do something fun and memorable."

The shopkeeper shrugged.

"Well, I guess everyone has their own way of saying goodbye...Have fun shopping"

He bowed again before leaving...

As they continued to browse through the outfits, Yoongi stood in the corner, looking thoroughly unimpressed.

"I didn't sign up for this,"

he muttered under his breath.

Jungkook heard him and walked over...

"Come on, sunbae! it'll be fun!"

he said, grabbing Yoongi's arm and pulling him towards the strawberry section.

Yoongi groaned but followed along reluctantly.

"Why are we even wearing strawberry outfits...Can't we just wear something humanly?"

Kook ignored his continuous ranting As they walked through the rows of outfits, Jungkook held up a pink and green strawberry dress to his chest.

"What do you think?"

he asked, twirling around...

They heard Hobi burst out laughing...Both the males looked in his direction

"You look like a giant strawberry!"

He joked

Jimin giggled.

"I think it's cute."

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Can we just get this over with?"

As they continued to browse through the outfits, they came across a bright red strawberry suit. Jimin's eyes lit up.

"That's perfect!"

he exclaimed.

Jungkook and Hobi nodded in agreement.

"It's definitely eye-catching,"

Jungkook said.

Yoongi looked at the suit skeptically.

"Are you sure you want to wear that?"

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