(1) The fest

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"This fest was a complete waste of time"

Jimin huffed sitting besides Jungkook

"I know right...I don't know why they let juniors eat first...They seriously ruined everything"

Currently...Jimin and Jungkook were stuck at a college fest where some students set up stalls of different things like food and crafts but the problem was...They let the juniors eat first...And there was nothing left for others to eat now...Jimin closed his eyes in frustration when the loud music started playing again...

They stood in the corner of the crowded college fest, watching as students bustled around them, The second year ones like jimin and Jungkook buying and The seniors selling items left and right... The noise was deafening, with vendors shouting out their wares and students haggling over prices.

Despite the excitement around them, The bestfriend duo were getting bored. They had been at the fest for hours, wandering from stall to stall and browsing through the various items on offer. But now, their feet were tired, and they were ready to head back to their dorms...

"Man, I'm so bored, Hobi is so lucky...He went to his hometown..."

Jimin said, leaning against the wall and rubbing his eyes.

"I can't believe we've been here for so long...I wanna go back"

Jungkook nodded in agreement, looking around at the sea of people.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like, all these people are having fun, but we're just standing here...Why did we come here in the first place?"

"Because both of ours attendance is less and if we don't meet the requirement...They will not let us sit in the exam"

They both sighed and fell into a comfortable silence, watching as a group of students walked by, laughing and joking with each other...

"I wish we were having as much fun as they are,"

he said wistfully.

Jungkook nudged him with his elbow.

"Come on, man. We can still have fun. Let's go find something to do."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! Let's go to that stall! "

Jimin looked in the direction where Jungkook pointed

"It's hella crowded!"

"Let's see what is being sold there that there is so much crowd."

Min agreed...Not like they are going to find something extraordinary here...

Jimin and Jungkook made their way to the food stall... As they got closer, Jimin noticed a tall, handsome guy working behind the grill... He wore a white apron that was stained with grease, but he still managed to look incredibly attractive...His hairs were messily falling on his forehead, covering his eyes a bit...

"Who's that?"

Jimin asked, Tapping jungkook's shoulder...

Jungkook followed his gaze and looked at jimin in disbelief

"You don't know him??"

Jimin frowned but suddenly he was pushed by a girl who yelled

"Taehyungie! Take my order please!"

They made a weird face looking at her...


"Aishh! Jimin let's go from here...I can't breathe!"

Jungkook said pulling jimin with him dodging the crowd...Jimin turned around to catch another glimpse of that guy, but he was already busy with another customer.

Jimin couldn't take his eyes off the guy. There was something about him that made his heart beat faster...

As they came back to the corner Jungkook let out a sigh of relief...

"What happened to you?"

Jungkook asked, noticing Jimin's flushed face.

"H-Huh? Nothing?"

Their attention was suddenly shifted towards the announcement that was happening

Attention all festival-goers,

As the night draws to a close, we would like to thank each and every one of you for joining us at this year's festival. It has been an incredible celebration filled with music, food, and laughter.

However, it is now time for us to bid farewell and head towards our homes and dorms. We kindly ask that you make your way towards the exits in an orderly fashion and follow the instructions of our staff members.

Please remember to dispose of any trash in the designated bins and leave the festival grounds as clean as you found them.

We hope you had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing you again at our next event. Safe travels, and goodnight!


As they walked towards their dorm, Jimin couldn't help but bring up the topic of the handsome guy they saw at the food stall...

"Hey, Jungkook, You were saying something about that guy at the stall..."

Jimin asked pretending to show no interest and kicking a stone while walking...

Jungkook gasped

"Oh yeah! You don't know about him??"


"How come I forgot you don't come to the university because you're always studying at our dorm"

Jungkook mocked receiving a smack from his bestfriend...

"Jokes apart...The whole University knows about him"

"Why tho? He's a topper or what?"

"Aish...He's the sports captain...didn't you see his muscles?"

"Eh...No? But he looked good..."

"Yeah, he's got the looks and the talent. I heard he's really good at basketball too."

"Must have a girlfriend "

"That's the surprising part...He's single...Never been in a relationship...And he's kinda shy type"

"You've talked to him before?"

"Yeah...Me and hobi both did"

"You never told me about this!!"

"You never asked jiminie"

Jimin scoffed...

"Anyways...I asked hoba when he will come back and that bitch completely ignored my message and sent me photos of him enjoying...I'm not gonna leave him when he comes back..."

Jimin chuckled at his bestfriend...Well hobi was a part of their group too...They were THE inseparable trio...No matter how much opposite the three were from each other their friendship was still unbreakable and jimin was thankful to have both of them...
They chatted and joked with each other (More like jungkook teased jimin about various things like his height....as always) walking back to their shared dorm enjoying the simple pleasure of good company...


The first part is here guys! Let me know what you think about this story! Love you

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