(10) A shocker

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Jungkook, Hobi, and Jimin sit huddled together at a sticky table, empty shot glasses scattered around them. They're all clearly intoxicated, swaying slightly in their seats...Looks like the waiter gave them some different type of fruit beer...

"Guys, you don't understand! Taehyung... my heart is shattered into a million pieces!"

Jimin slurred, while Jungkook rolled his eyes

"Jimin, you've been talking about this for an hour now. We get it, you're heartbroken..."

"Yeah, Chimchim, it's time to move on. There are plenty of fish in the sea!"

Hobi agreed

"But Tae... he's different. He's like a majestic unicorn, and I'm just a sad little donkey..."

"A sad little donkey? Jimin, you're more like a sassy little pony!"

Jungkook laughed along with Hoseok

"Yeah, with a fabulous mane!"

Jimin pouts, crossing his arms and slumping in his seat.

"You guys are supposed to be supportive! I thought we were best friends!"

"We are, but we're also tired of hearing about sports captain's love life. We need a plan to fix this!"

The trio fell silent, thinking of a plan...

"Oh! I have an idea! Let's go to Yoongi's place and beat him up and tell him to break up with Taehyung!"

Jungkook raised his eyebrows

"Oh yeah...As if we know where he lives"

"Just give me a minute"

Hobi took his phone, The other two males watched him type something...

"Never knew you could type this fast-"

"Got it!"


"Yoongi's address! I got it!"

Jungkook and jimin's eyes widened as they snatched the phone from his hand...And it was true!

"What if it's wrong-"

"It can't be"

"You got some skills Hoba!"

Jimin complimented and hobi giggled shyly

"That's... actually not a bad idea. Drunk or not, we might be able to save Jimin from his misery..."

Jimin's eyes widen with hope...

"Do you really think it'll work? Can we really make Yoongi break up with Tae?"

"There's only one way to find out, my friend! To Yoongi's place!"

Jungkook grinned viciously


The three stumble up to Yoongi's apartment building, barely able to stand straight. They press the buzzer with determination...

"Who is it?"

A voice came from a small speaker that was fit on the wall below the door bell...

"It's the Avengers! We're here to save Taehyung from your evil clutches!"

Jungkook spat

There's a pause, and then the BUZZER goes off, granting them access...

Yoongi opens the door, looking confused as he takes in the sight of the three drunken amigos...

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