Chapter 35: Raihousha-hen III

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Thought

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

'Welcome' = Sign

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

17th of January, 2096 Kyuchoji Temple

Izuku training with Yakumo in hand-to-hand combat

"Not bad." Yakumo said

"Thank." Izuku said then he charged toward him then Yakumo used magic on Aichi's eyes but made himself disappear, but Izuku didn't fall for it then Uppercut Yakumo who was in the same place

"Boy, you really got me." Yakumo said

"You know, I'm not a greenhorn to fall for a simple trick." Izuku said, "So, what was that just now?" he asked

"I didn't think you would break my Cocoon Water Mirage." Yakumo said

"That wasn't one of your usual illusion arts, was it?" Izuku asked 

"You realized that?" Yakumo asked, "That odd ability of yours to read a spell at a glance is a true threat to your opponent." he said, "But there's a way to use it against you." he said

"Was it the illusion you just used?" Izuku asked

"Cocoon Water Mirage is a spell designed to deceive the eyes of things, not of this world." Yakumo said

"Master, you just said... the eyes of things not of this world?" Izuku asked

"It's not only humans we're up against." Yakumo said, "In fact, it's not rare to fight supernatural things." he said

"But my friend, an Ancient Magic user, said that encountering actual demons was an extremely rare thing." Izuku said

"You've already had one or two experiences yourself." Yakumo said, "The magic you modern magicians call SB Magic..." he said, "What does it use as a medium?" he asked then Izuku realize, "I think you understand." he said, "What you modern magicians call spiritual beings or spirits are not of this world." he said

"So, these spirits that are nothing more than independent information bodies cut off from phenomena are not of this world?" Izuku asked

"To be precise, they might be better-called things without life or fresh." Yakumo said

"Master, can I ask you one more question?" Izuku asked

"Go ahead." Yakumo said

"According to Modern Magic, spirits are independent information bodies derived from natural phenomena." Izuku said and Yakumo nodded "Then, if parasites can feed off a person's ethereal body and change the person's properties, what information bodies would they be based on?" he asked

"I don't know the origin of these wraiths or what you call parasites." Yakumo said, "They interfere with people's minds, so I'd think they're based on spirit phenomena." he said

"Information organisms originating in the mind?" Izuku asked

"Just as spirits originating in physical phenomena drift through a shadow world back-to-back with this one, the wraiths originating in mental phenomena might come from the shadow world back-to-back with our mental world." Yakumo said, "That's my own unadulterated theory." he said 

Later at First High

Erika and Yoshida are exhausted. Tatsuya goes to see Izuku, Bell, Honoka, and Miyuki with Honoka having her call Shizuku on her phone

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