"Well," he took his index finger and traced the edge of the pocket stitched on the front of her jean overalls. "Considering this is our second time meeting, I would say we are a lot more than strangers, Angel."

Aurelia swallowed hard before she cleared her throat. "I'm sure you used this on a lot of girls, but this doesn't work on me."

"How would you know?" He sounded offended and his expression said it all, so she pushed a bit more.

"The way Genesis talks about you," she gathered enough courage to look the man in the eyes. "Anyone would assume that much about you."

Andrew rolled his eyes and shook his head before he pushed off the wall and walked ahead of her. "Now, I'm turned off."

Aurelia laughs to herself at the memory of his face, he looked so confused before he covered it with that grin. Though he smiled she could tell certain words got under his skin, and it was entertaining to her to see a guy like him let the littlest words affect him. It made her want to get to know him more. What makes him tick? What makes him... him.

When he left her at the library, Aurelia did what he instructed. After the two hours passed, she ended up walking back to the house. Everyone was gone, including Jackie and her friends. Aurelia felt relieved that she was alone, but she was upset that she had to clean up everything that Jackie didn't have the decency to clean up after her mess. When she finished cleaning everything up, she went right to bed. She heard that the police didn't show up from Adrian, since he heard from his friends, who was at the party, that everyone just moved the party to Aiden's house.

The very next day, nothing. Jackie wasn't there. Aurelia was still very relieved, she had a whole day to focus on class and other work she needed to complete. The girl spent the day catching up with work and brainstorming her canvas that she still hasn't touched since Arthur's class. Once she spent hours brainstorming, she tried to call Jackie. Of course, at the time, she just wanted to see if she would pick up to finally have that adult conversation, but of course she didn't. That was Aurelia's final attempt to fix anything they had since she got to the school.

"Miss Mitchell?"

Aurelia stands up and walks towards the front desk with the papers of her housing acceptance letter and anything else she thought was important. She already explained the situation twice to two different people, and have been waiting for a while since the last person.


"So," She types on her computer and sighs. "The head of student housing is on parental leave. She won't be back for a while. After reading your report of relocation or a new roommate, I understand your frustration but there's no way we can help you at this moment."

Another woman walks out of the back office, with a sandwich wrap in her hand. She wraps it back up and walks forward looking over the report Aurelia made. She shakes her head and tilts it slightly. "I see you said that you have tried to make things work, but have you tried stepping away for a while and then coming back together to have an adult conversation?"

"Ma'am, I tried multiple times as I stated in my report. It's all there." Aurelia explains calmly watching the women look at each other.

"Do you have a friend you can stay with for the time being?" The second woman suggests. "This is your three weeks here? I'm sure you have friends by now-"

"I don't." She cuts her off. "I'm in this city all alone with no friends I trust enough to live with. All I'm asking for is a new house with someone else, or even an empty dorm you can offer. I just can't live with someone who has no respect for me or my things."

"You should try to work things out more, it's not everyday a freshman is granted a chance to spend their first year in student housing." The first woman tries to state optimistically. "You got picked out of five students for this opportunity. You shouldn't be worried about fighting your roommate, you two should try to work out your differences."

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