"We were childhood best friends," Jackie smiled before taking a sip of her iced americano. "But when we got to college, I finally worked up the courage to tell him how I felt."

Aurelia nodded her head, not sure what to say as she sipped her dragon fruit iced tea.

"It's funny because our parents already knew we would get together. My mom and his mom are best friends. They're already visualizing our wedding." Jackie told her with confidence, but now that she knew this information it made her wonder if it's really all sunshine and rainbows with them.

"Well That's not about you though," Aurelia commented, swirling her straw around as she sat there quietly, staring at Jackie's face, but not directly into her eyes. "I mean, it is about your relationship, but Aiden isn't my roommate, you are. Tell me about you."

Jackie looked confused before she shrugged her shoulders. "Not much to say. I'm a theater major but of course, my parents really wanted me to continue my classical music study, but I told them no. I wanted to follow Aiden to this school so I picked my passion. Theater."

Aurelia almost cringed in front of her after hearing that she followed Aiden to a school just because she wanted to be with him. If she would've said something like that to one of her friends, they probably would beat her down until she made sense, but not literally. Going off to college was encouraged by her parents because they wanted her to make her own path and discover herself. It was one of the main reasons why her friends made sure she decided to go off to a different college rather than follow them.

"Aiden is my whole world," Jackie told her before sipping her coffee. "Without him, I think I might go crazy. That's probably why I get so jealous when he talks to any girl."

She was sure that comment was directed at her, but it's not like she's talking to Aiden for a long time. Most of their conversation ends right when it starts. Not to mention that Aiden makes no effort to hide his flirtatious ways, and Jackie didn't care to acknowledge them but only when he's actively trying his hardest to flirt with her. He also seemed very stand-offish with Jackie but that's only when she was around.

After they talked a bit more about Aiden, they made their way back to the dorm because Jackie's friends told her that she needed to hurry back so they could get ready together.

Now as she sits in the living room of the student home, painting away at her canvas, she wonders how long Jackie would be out and if she would bring Aiden back. If so, she needed to make sure she avoided him as much as possible. Jackie made it clear she isn't very fond of girls talking to her boyfriend. It wouldn't be very hard either, because she plans on keeping things one sentence only with the male from now on. Especially after knowing what kind of romance trope he and Jackie are in, she wants no part in that.


Aurelia flinches slightly at the loud voice of Jackie, causing her to slowly pull her headphone off and turn around to see what's going on. Their eyes only met for a second before Jackie avoids hers all together. It seems like she didn't take her advice about the jacket, now that she has it on, it definitely looks tacky like she feared. So much for her honest opinion. Aurelia looks past her seeing her other best friends, Abby and Genesis dressed in similar neon colors, descend from the stairs.

Jackie stands in front of the tall mirror just off the side of the stairs. She looks over her appearance, adjusting the jacket a bit and swirling some of the curls that have already fallen. Judging from the frown growing on Jackie's face, Aurelia's sure it took her a while to do the style with the curling iron. "Ugh, why is it so hard to maintain curly hair."

"When you have straight hair," Genesis comments, pushing her auburn hair around, adjusting her wavy hair. "Curls won't stay, but if it's natural a little styling will make it look twice as pretty. Right, Ariel."

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