Chapter 8{ The Queen's Assassin }

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"But you're okay with me running the Caffe while you're gone"

"I've known her for 6 years and I still don't know her"

"Come to think about it that's all true"

"Namjoon sent his butler to watch me he knows something is off"

Okay chapter 8


"Please just stay in the palace I'll bring the notes the ministers brought about the people's taxes and building that needs refurnishing and I will breif you about the things you missed today. I'll be back, meanwhile you can have your bath and I'll call your servernts to bring your clothes" Hobi told her bowing as he was about to leave.
"Right, I'll come and take those clothes to burn them" Hobi told her referring to the clothes she wore out and he left

Elvira sighed " why do I keep going out? I have to focus on a way to get my kingdom out if Calix grasp. Now that father is sick, I can barely talk to him about it " She said groaning as she removed her clothes and kept it in a pile beside her room door which Hobi always burnt so no one would know she left the palace.
Vira entered her bathroom and sat in
Tub the warm water hitting her skin. She was so relaxed."
"A crown Queen working at a Caffe. Oh if father heard he might have an heart attack " Elvira muttered popping the bubbles in the tub and she wore a beauty face mask then tied her hair up and relaxed before she dozed off

Few minutes later Vira heard sound coming from her room.
"Hobi's back" She said getting out of the tub and wearing a grey robe as the  face mask was still on her face since she wasn't done.
Vira left her bathroom to be faced with a man whose face was covered but she could see his eyes and she noticed he was holding a knife and from the looks of it, he definitely knows how to use it.

And he walked to her and Elvira walked back as her eyes were fixed on him and in a swift move she passed him and took her sword that was hung on the wall and pointed it him her gaze feirce and cold.

"I didn't know the princess knew how to fight" The man said and Vira could feel the smirk that spread across his face even if she couldn't see anything except from his eyes.

"Who are you?" Elvira asked him as she changed her voice. She leaves the palace to often and the man has to be a villager, she can't risk him recognizing her voice. "Thank God I have this mask on" she said to herself

"You don't have to know who I am, worry about yourself" he told taking Vira off guard and stabbed her arm with the knife but avoided quickly and it cut her and she looked at him matching forward her sword taking more advantage over his knife and she used her sword to cut his side and he scoffed.

"I can see you have training or is it because you're an assassin" The man said cunningly make Elvira's eyes to widen

"How did he-" Vira tought before he lunged at her quickly taking advantage of her shocked state and grabbed her sword flinging it across the room and placing his knife on her neck making vira's breath itch and she raised her hands up and he stared at her darkly

"Lovely Knife" Vira told him staring down at the knife held to her neck

"Beautiful neck" He slithered

"Yes I know my neck is beautiful thank you..... So can you please lower knife a little? I would like it to stay tht way" Vira told him and he didn't budge. "What did I expect?" She said to herself
"I can't keep fighting with him I don't even know his goal " she tought before she risked it and called the guards

"GUARDS GUARDS!!!" She yelled and he glared at her before leaving her and jumping out of her window a troop of men bursted in her room and they saw him jump and went out trying to catch up to him.
As Vira looked at the window
"Probably the same way he came in" she tought before turning turning to the guards and glared at them

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