Chapter 4{ Shape shifter }

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"What about park's Caffe?"

"That's a good name Vira"

"Princess Lean the king calls for you"

"As expected of the future ruler of this kingdom. Don't let me down"

Okay chapter 4


"Tomorrow morning you and I are going to have a discussion about prince calix" Her father told her.

"Father I do not want to get engaged to prince Calix" Elvira argued since this topic has been consistent between the two.

"You have to get married Lean! What's a Queen without a king?" Her father told her

"So are you saying without you mother was useless?" Elvira asked annoyed.

"LEAN!!!" Her father shouted as she wasn't moved. She was trained to never show her weakness, to rule a kingdom your head must be held up high.

"Getting father angry again I see" The prince said as Elvira rolled her eyes at him"Good evening father"He greeted bowing to his father.

"Namjoon you're back from your trip!" The king said Joyed.

"Yes father and look who I found on the way here" Namjoon said pointing to the door as they turned their gaze to the man that walked in.

"Calix" The king called

"Good evening your Majesty" He bowed to the king as Vira glared at her brother who just smirked.

"We were just talking about you" The king told him

"It's final Lean. Now that prince Calix is here we'll discuss your engagement tomorrow. You may leave" The king told her as she left trying to hold her anger her brother following her.

"Prince Calix why don't we have a talk in the library" The king said as they left his room.

"Don't mind me little sister, I just want what's mine. I'm the eldest after all" Namjoon said as Elvira turned to him with a cold gaze.

"You'll never be king! An illigetimate child will never be crowned the heir to the throne or else I'm dead " Elvira told him sternly.

"Then I'll see to the latter "Namjoon said chuckling

"I'll like to see you try BASTARD " Elvira said emphasising her words.

"Watch your mouth little sister"Namjoon warned her before she walked away to her room and she layed on her bed holding back her tears.

"Mother I wish you were here" She said missing the only person who would comfort her through her struggles.

.......Next morning 8am.........

"Princess Lean" The servant knocked and she stood up to open the door 3 servernts entering.

"Morning your Highness!" They bowed. One held her breakfast another went to open her windows and lay the bed while the other hanged her clothes for the day. Elvira sat on her chair as she looked at the food on the table and started eating and one of the servernts went to her bathroom to prepare her bath as her butler entered.

"Good morning your Highness" He greeted bowing and Vira just nodded.

"You have a meeting with his Majesty in an hour" Hobi told her


"Your Highness your bath is ready " The servernt said coming to her and Elvira finished eating and went to bath and Hobi waited for her outside.

Mysteries Of Caffe Royal { MCR }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora