"Then why are you not looking at me?"

"Because I simply do not want to."

A minute or two passes, before I start to feel bad.

I just much rather preferred when he was acting like a selfish prick.

"Now it's my time to apologize. I think we don't get along so well."

"Maybe." He smiles.

I notice he is drinking only water. While I am on my 5th or 7th or 10th champagne glass.

"So what do you do, Adam?" I ask, moving my body more to his side.

"I'm a lawyer, Cora." He says and his hair fall into his eyes.

"Of course, you are." I chuckle and he furrows his brows.

"Let me guess. You are a psychologist."

"I make movies." I make a jokingly disappointed face.

"About what?" He turns his body closer to me too.

His question feels intimate.

"Mostly about love. Don't laugh!"

He laughs. His eyes sparkle. It's just the lighting in here. Or the champagne. Or both.

"Of course, you are." He then says, playing with the gold ring on his pinky.

"Can you show me something from your work?" He then surprises me the most.

I almost gag on my glass.

"I.." I manage to say before Anna and Theo make their way to us.

"Looks like you two are finally learning how to talk to each other!" Anna smiles and I get up to hug her.

I feel my head spinning a little, so I sit back down.

We talk for a little and Adam tells us the story of how he chose their wedding gift. I catch myself looking at him, the grimaces he makes, the way he touches his hair or straightens out his suit. Then they leave to go talk to the couple who sits next to us.

What is Leo doing right now?

"Would you like to dance?"

I freeze in my chair.

"Um, no. I think I have had a little too much to drink, I need to wait it out." I blurt out, not wanting to look at him.

It is mainly true, but most of all, I don't want our hands to touch nor do I want to be that close to him.

"Are you okay?" He moves in his chair and puts his hand on my lower back.

"You smell really good." I am smiling.

What am I smiling for?

This is catastrophic.

"Thank you." He laughs.

"Drink mine." He passes me his glass of water.

"So, tell me Adam, any girl waiting for you at home?" I get up and move my chair so that it is facing him.

"I will get you more water." He says and gets up.

"No girl, Cora." Once he is back in his chair and I am chugging down this big and cold glass of water, he says.

"I don't believe you." I shake my head.

"No one is good enough for me." He smiles while resting his hand in his palm.

"That is absurd." I yelp.

"Tell me about this Leo? How did he sweep you off your feet?"


"I'm sorry."

"Oh, stop it. It's just not worth talking about." I look out of the window.

I have never gotten drunk from champagne. Will it be horrible tomorrow morning?

"How so?"

"I might break up with him actually." I say.

"I don't know where that came from." My eyes are probably so big and wide right now.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He sighs.

"Stop being sorry!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry." He says and then quickly puts his hand to his mouth and shakes his head.

We start to laugh.

"So what about that dance?"

"Sure, Adam. I suppose we can't sit all night." I can't help but smile.

He gives me his hand and I take it while he takes us to the dance floor.

I position my hands around his neck and he - on my waist. They're rather too high for my liking but not too low to be disrespectful.

"Excellent dress choice." He leans in and whispers into my ear.

Maybe not so respectful after all.

I feel hot. Like burning.

"You are a great dancer." I chuckle.

"I can't say the same." He looks at me like he would want to eat me.

"Why were you a dick in the cab and earlier?"

"Because I didn't know you."

"So you are a dick to strangers?"

"You could say so."

I notice how his eyes stare at my lips.

My stomach is turning upside down.

"Don't look at me like that!" I groan at him.

"Like what?" He bites his lip.

"Like you want to kiss me, Adam."

"And what if I do want to kiss you, Cora?"

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