A Beautiful Beginning (1)

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6/1/24: bro I was not expecting this story to blow up like this thank you so much :) 

Garcia= bbygirl





Hotch= BossyBoss




Hotch added Garcia, Reid, Morgan, JJ, Emily, Rossi and Y/N


Hotch: Hey guys, I made this groupchat specifically made for updates on cases and stuff. Please keep this chat clean and professional.

Garcia: Okay but do you mind if I change my name on here? I don't want to just be known as 'Garcia'.

Hotch: Uh, yeah, sure. Just keep it clean.

Garcia changed her username to bbygirl

bbygirl: is that clean enough, sir? 😄

Hotch: a little weird, but I suppose so.

Morgan: Hey if she changes her name on here, so am I 😎

Morgan changed his username to HotChocolate

HotChocolate: There 🔥

Hotch: Really, Morgan?

HotChocolate: Yes really. If this group chat is going to be boring, might as well make my username a little interesting.

bbygirl: ooh that gives me an idea!! Hey sir, can I have admin access??

Hotch: why?

bbygirl: just trust me on this, okay?

Hotch: Garcia..

bbygirl: sir, it hurts that you don't trust me 🥲

Hotch: okay fine.

Hotch added bbygirl as admin

bbygirl: thank you. now, let me work my magic 🪄

bbygirl changed Reid to PrettyBoiThings

bbygirl changed Emily to EmCatLover

bbygirl changed Y/N to HotStuff69

bbygirl changed JJ to JayJay

bbygirl changed Rossi to ItalianImpasta

bbygirl changed Hotch to BossyBoss

BossyBoss: GARCIA!

bbygirl: lol oh come on sir, have a sense of humor!! 😅

HotStuff69: hey guys.

HotStuff69: LMAO Rossi is ItalianImpasta. That's funny

PrettyBoiThings: Um what is happening?

BossyBoss: Y/N, don't encourage Garcia

BossyBoss: Reid I made this group chat for updates on cases and stuff. I wanted to keep this chat clean and professional. I guess I should've said usernames too.

HotChocolate: Hotch, you can change your own name, can't you?

BossyBoss: I can, but since usernames have been changed twice, I have to wait 24 hours to change it back.

bbygirl: oh i'll make sure that never happens 😌

BossyBoss: Garcia, whatever you're thinking, don't. That is an order.

HotStuff69: oh come on, Hotch. Live a little!! This is fun 🥹

bbygirl: thank you y/n! this is why you're hotstuff69! 😉

PrettyBoiThings: I understand wanting to make this chat interesting, but why is my username PrettyBoiThings? Like, this doesn't make sense.

bbygirl: bc you're pretty and you're a boy and you know things?? 🤨

bbygirl: it makes sense prettyboi

HotStuff69: She has a point, Reid 😁

EmCatLover: lol I love this chat already and I just joined


EmCatLover: only for you, bbygirl 😘

HotStuff69: all we're missing now is ItalianImpasta and JayJay lol

BossyBoss: I think I regret making this group chat

JayJay: I'm here i'm here

JayJay: idk why but I love my username lol

EmCatLover: and I love youuuuu 😘

JayJay: Aww

JayJay: So does Will

HotStuff69: LMAO 😭

HotChocolate: lol you gonna take that, Em?

BossyBoss: are any of you finished with your reports yet??

bbygirl: oh right, I still have to do that. oops 😬

PrettyBoiThings: I've been done with mine, sir

BossyBoss: I know, Reid. You gave it to me

HotStuff69: Anybody know if Rossi is still alive? or does he not know how to use his own phone to chat with us?? 🤪

ItalianImpasta: I know perfectly well how to use my own phone, thank you very much y/n.

ItalianImpasta: and who the hell put me as ItalianImpasta??

bbygirl: lol gotta go do my report, bye ✌️


lmao this fanfic sucks already

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