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After the shit show in the docks, Team RWBY got a tongue lashing by Professor Glynda, who warned them not to do this stunt again.

After that he had a lengthy discussion with Ozpin regarding the orphans and that there is not enough space in orphanages. The Headmaster was shocked at the condition of the children, even though he had given the proper funding for the Orphanages.

"Orphanages is one the top development priorities of the Vale Council" Ozpin had said frowning "We had always funded them".

After investigation it was found out that some of the Ministers and their cronies were secretly allocating the money funded for the orphanages to unknown accounts. Ozpin was furious at the corruption and had personally installed a committee to investigate who was engaged in the corruption and where the black money was being funneled.

While all the corrupted ministers were arrested, the police couldn't trace where all the money had gone. It's like all the money had just disappeared.

Ash had volunteered to interrogate the prisoners, but Ozpin had flatly refused saying that it would be a political suicide, if a Prisoner was killed by a Assistant of Beacon.

Ash was insulted by that. He knows restraint and has enough experience in interrogation. And what point is there in killing when torture is just fine? Just skin them a little or chop their fingers and they would talk like a songbird.

After this, he had kept his promise and upped the training regime of the Students. All of them had grumbled at that, but didn't dare to refuse.

Right now he had them carrying heavy bounders on their back without using any Aura. He needed to breathe their over reliance on Aura during every fight.

"Carry the boulders properly" Ash shouted from the sidelines "And if I find anyone using even a bit of Aura to enhance their strength, then the entire class will redo the exercise again"

There were groans and grumbles all around.

"That ain't fair" Ruby cried comically as she struggled to run with a boulder strapped on her back. Her Speed is her greatest strength, which she cannot use without aura.

"Yeah" Jaune grunted carrying his load "Why should all of us pay the price"

"For Teamwork of course" Ash said "When you go into combat, you must have trust on your teammates. How would you trust them to save your life, if you can't trust them enough during a training regime?"

They quitened at that.

Suddenly his X-Transavier beeped. He looked to see a message from Ozpin who was asking him to come to the office.

"What does he want now" He looked annoyed before turning towards his student. He shouted "Mrs Nikos, Mr Arc come here!"

Both Pyrrha and Jaune looked a little startled at the shout but they dropped the boulders they were carrying and came towards their teacher.

"What is it, Teacher?" Jaune asked. The rest of class to looked curious.

"Professor Ozpin had called me to my office" He said. There were murmurs of relief at the thought that their training would be over, so Ash promptly shattered their celebration "So I want you two to monitor the rest of the class and make sure they don't slack off".

The students groaned again with Cardin looking disgusted at the idea of following Jaune's orders.

"Whoever disobeys their orders or slack of their training will not receive lunch or dinner today" He said causing the students to look horrified.

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