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(Few minutes after the fight)

"That was awesome!!!" Ruby and Nora exclaimed, as soon as they saw him outside.

"Damm!!" Yang whistled in appreciation "I never knew a Bow can be such a powerful Weapon!!".

"Yeah!!" Blake nodded "I never knew you are such a good Bowman".

"During my training I have learned to use every Weapon, from Swords to Mace to Bow or a Gun. Though it is my first time fighting with a Bow" Ash said plainly "And Yang, any weapon is powerful as long as its wielder is powerfull. If a user is incompetent not even the strongest weapon can save him."

All of them looked Impressed at his words of wisdom, while Jaune asked "How did you made that Lightning arrow?" The Blonde Knight asked "I doubt you used Lightning Dust".

Ash chuckled at Jaune's enthusiasm before answering "No I didn't use any Lightning Dust" He answered "I used my aura to manipulate the elemental energy of my surroundings to create that Lightning, before giving it the shape of an Arrow".

"Wait!!" Coco, who had been silently watching their interaction till now, interrupted "Aura can do that. I thought we require Dust to harness the Elemental Energies".

Ash turned to look at the leader of CFVY and asked "You are Coco Adel, right? From the Second year students!".

The Fashionista nodded "Yes I am" She said before pointing towards her teammates "And they are my Teammates Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina and Yatsuhashi Daichi.".

The mentioned three greeted him with a polite "Hello!!", though the Faunus girl Velvet seemed a bit nervous which is apparent through her stuttering voice.

Ash doesn't know why, but he felt a sudden fierce protective instinct towards the Bunny Faunus. The moment her nervous brown orbs fell on his red ones, he felt the sudden bout of over-protectiveness.

She reminds him of his sister Helena.

He shook his head, to clear his thoughts, before greeting back "Hello I am Ash Ketchum, Professor Goodwitch's new assistant for the First Year Students".

"Yes, we know that" Coco nodded "But you didn't answer the question".

"Bold!!" Ash though with a smirk, but nevertheless answered her question.

"Yes, You can" Ash answered "It takes extreme amounts of practice to attune your aura to bend the elements, as every element has different properties"

"Take Weiss for example." He said pointing towards the White Haired girl "She can easily use the power of Ice without Dust, Why? Because her aura is more attuned for using it".

"Damm!" Yatsu exclaimed a little dumbfounded at this recent lessons "I didn't knew our aura could do that".

"Yeah!" Weiss said with a frown "None of the professor's taught us this".

"Well I wouldn't blame them" Ash said calmly "After reading your World's History, I have noticed that your civilization doesn't have much experience with the use of Aura".

It is true. Most of the advanced Aura techniques of Remnant had only been discovered during the Great War, less than a century ago.

"How old is your World's History with Aura?" Pyrrha asked curiously.

"Well! If we go by advanced Aura techniques like elemental manipulation and weapon formation then it is first introduced by Lord Agimoto 10,000 Years ago."

All the eyes widened at the.

"T..ten thousand years" Coco stuttered out, trying her hardest not to let her jaw drop in sheer astonishment.

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