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Few hours after the fight at the Docks, a handful of police cars and Firefighters are there for damage control. While the paramedics were there to take care of the bodies of the Dead White Fang members.

Right now Ash, along with Ruby, Blake and Sun, were sitting on boxes in silence. The green haired girl, Penny, however had suspiciously left, before the police arrived.

Yang and Weiss, have also arrived recently and suffice to say, and while they were horrified at what happened here, they were relieved that that both Ruby and Blake we're safe.

Ash, however, is irritated, as for the last half an hour the police had done nothingg but pester them about what had happened during the fight, not to mention inquired about the dozens of dismembered corpses of the White Fang Members.

And as Ash was the eldest (and an Assistant of Beacon at that) among the group, it was him who had to take care of all the formalities.

He had cooked up a story, saying that there was an infighting among the Fang Members over the loot, and the students had been caught in the crossfires. Luckily for them, there isn't any CCTV Cameras in the Docks (which was a major security problem) so the Police had to, reluctantly, let them go, as there isn't any evidence.

They had dodged a major bullet, as this stunt could have them being kicked out of the Academy and ruin their future as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

But that brings them to the next problem.

His students.

They were not the same, after witnessing him killing those Fang members, especially Ruby, who was probably the most innocent person he had ever met.

They thought that he hadn't noticed them taking discreet glances at him, while he was not looking. And honestly it was kind of irritating him, as he doesn't want to deal with this emotional bullshit, after an hour long stressful interrogation with the police.

Getting fed up with their accused filled discreet glances, he finally spoke up.

"If you want to say something, say it!" His voice was calm, even though it held a tinge of irritation behind it.

All of them fidgeted and squirmed for a moment, except Yang, who straightened her back and looked straight in his eyes with an unflinching look on her face. The usual jolly humourous attitude she had is now gone, replaced by a hard look.

"You killed them!" Yang spoke softly in an accusing tone. Her voice was low, but because of the silence, everyone clearly heard her.

"I have killed many people, so you have to be more specific about who your are talking about." Ash said, his voice dry. And even though he knows who Yang is referring by "Them", he decided to play ignorant.

"" As he had expected, the Blonde Brawler balked at his dry tone, her voice sputtering with shock. Seeing this, Blake stood up.

"She meant the White Fang!" Blake exclaimed, her voice dripping with barely contained frustration.

"Well they were criminals! They had it coming" Ash shrugged nonchalantly "Besides I relieved this world of their burden!".

Blake growled, but before she could say anything Ash raised a palm effectively silencing her.

"And before you say, I didn't kill them, because they were Faunus, I am not racist Blake, and you know this. I did what, I did, because they were criminals who could have become a threat in the future. A threat I effectively neutralised" Ash explained his voice frosty.

Blake looked down knowing Ash was speaking the truth, while Ruby placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"But you didn't have to kill them" Sun muttered softly "The Police could have arrested them".

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