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They were silent, so Ash once again began.

"Yes Humans, the new creation Of Lady Mew. Which was her greatest achievement as well as her greatest failure!".

"Wait!" Ruby interrupted, confused at Ash's words "How can something be both an achievement as well as a failure?".

Ash just sighed and looked at her Silver eyes, with a pitying look.

"You are still so innocent Ruby!" He said shaking his head before asking "Tell me Ruby, who can be more evil or cruel, a human or a Grimm".

"A Grimm of course!" The Silver Eyed warrior replied immediately with Nora nodding in agreement.

"And how can a Grimm be evil Ruby?" He asked.

Ruby fumbled for an answer, but before she can say anything Velvet piped up "Because the are creatures of darkness" The Bunny Faunus said "They are soulless monsters who doesn't feel any emotions".

Ash just chuckled at the answer and looked at her "That's the point Velvet, the Grimm don't feel emotions except fear and hatred. They are soulless and whatever they do, they do it because of their instincts" He explained "A Grimm is no better than an brainless animal. They are not aware of their own action, they only follow their instinct. They don't think what their doing nor do they feel any emotion doing it".

"Now tell me, who is worse? An animal that doesn't know what its doing, or a cruel human who knows what he is doing, who is aware that whatever he is doing is wrong and evil, but because of his greed he does it anyway?" Ash asked looking at them expectantly.

"So tell me who is worse? An brainless soulless animal driven entirely by instinct" He continued "Or a human who can do acts of extreme cruelty even though he is aware If his action".

The room was silent while Blake shifted awkwardly, refusing to meet his eyes.

Ash shook his head "Most of you haven't seen how cruel someone can be" He smiled bitterly "I mean look at me! I tried to kill Weiss during our first meet".

"What!!" Those who didn't knew this shouted in shock, while Weiss flushes in embarrassment, remembering her humiliating defeat at Ash's hand.

"He tried to kill you?" Coco asked Weiss, her eyes widening behind her Aviator glasses.

"You didn't tell this information to us!" Pyrrha asked in concern. Ash is one of the nicest person she knows. While he was slightly cold and distant at first, he became a great friend once he got to know them better.

Not to mention after he became assistant of Professor Goodwitch, he became very helpful in training them in various forms of combat, teaching them new tricks and what not. And he has all but taken Jaune under him, as his apprentice, teaching him various forms of sword fighting skills.

So to think that Ash tried to kill one of her friends is a little disturbing to say the least.

"Well Ice Queen did try to provoke him" Yang offered lamely, causing Weiss to glare at her coldly.

"That's still a lame excuse to kill someone!" Weiss said, her voice as frigid as her Ice Attacks.

"Please don't mind my sister, she is insensitive" Ruby immediately interrupted their bantering before it can escalate further. Yang huffed at her sister while Weiss still doesn't look convinced.

"Please Weiss you have to see from Ash's point of view" Ruby pleaded at her white haired teammate "He was in a complete different world, and not to mention he fought with the Grimms before meeting us so he has reason to be wary".

"And you are also forgetting that it was us who threatened him first" Yang joined her sister "Or are you forgetting that Blake tried to draw her weapon".

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