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After an hour of travelling through the dense forest and killing the occasional Grimm, that were unlucky enough to cross their path, Ash and his companions finally arrived at Beacon Academy and he had to confess, although begrudgingly, that he was somewhat impressed, though not by much.

The school was gigantic, while not as big as the Palace of Rota or the Flower Castle in kalos, it was still very huge for a school.

His observation was cut short when Ruby, who was standing beside him,said in a cheerful tone "Welcome to Beacon Academy" she said happily.

Before he could reply Yang interrupted him by saying "no time for sight-seeing now Ashy boy, we have to get you to Headmaster Ozpin immediately." She said teasingly with a smirk.

Ash glared at her, through his mask and cursed himself, regretting the fact that he had given them his name.

But who could blame him, after all they have been pestering him through their entire journey from the Emerald forest to Beacon. And besides they would have known about it soon enough anyway.

And, So he told them.

And now he was suffering the consequences of his error.

As they made their way towards Beacon Tower, Ash heard murmurs and whispers from surrounding people who were all eying him with various expression on their face.

"Who is that? I have never seen him here" A girl asked her friend, who was sitting next to her.

"Probably a new student" her friend replied.

"What's with the mask ? Dude sure looks creepy" a guy sitting under a tree trunk nearby said under his breath but Ash with his enhanced hearing can hear it clear as a day.

Hearing the whispers, Ash turned around and said " If you want to say something about me, say it on my face"
He said coldly causing the students to stiffen in surprise, they are shocked that this strange guy could hear them even though they were discussing this in no more than a whisper.

"Well?" He repeated, impatiently causing the now terrified students to scamper off like frightened heard of chickens.

Ash turned back to Team RWBY in time to see them sweat dropping at his action, even thought he doesn't care about it one wit.

"Really, you haven't been here for a few minutes and you are already scaring off
the students" Yang said agast.

Ash shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't care what she or her merry band of friends think about his action. Not like it is his fault that the students are like scared sheep. And besides if they can't handle him then why are they even training to become huntsmen or huntresses.

After walking for a few minutes, they all reached the elevator towards Ozpin's office.

Suddenly they all stopped and stared at him. He stared at them for a few moments before tilting his head as a silent question as to ask why they had all stopped walking.

They didn't said anything for a few seconds and stared at each other nervously before looking back at him causing Ash to frown in irritation about what is the matter.

Before he can ask why they had stopped, Blake step forward and cleared her throat before speaking "After you" she insisted in a polite tone.

Ash raised an eyebrow . They are sending him first so he doesn't have the opportunity to attack them from behind if he should prove hostile. A smart decision, even though a futile one because if he wanted them dead he would have already killed them without hesitation back in the Emerald forest and not I dide a school filled with combat ready students.

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