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Chuckling, he asked, "Did you want to use the swing?" "Maybe," Hoseok responded. "We're going to have to bring some tools and bolts with us." "I think we can get those. 

Yoongiaa, I love you." "Thank you, Hoseokaa. I know I don't say it often enough, but I appreciate that you look out for me. 

I love you too." Hoseok pulled Yoongi down for a kiss before snuggling up to listen to his heart before falling asleep. Of course Monday morning Hoseok was a ball of nerves, which stressed Yoongi a little, not that Yoongi wasn't, but he didn't want to scare Hoseok even more. 

Arriving at the hospital, they checked in and were escorted up to an actual hospital room. "This is different," Yoongi stated. "I've never gone for a procedure and was taken to a room before."

The person that escorted them responded. "Since you are a surgical case, they always start you out in a room and bring you back to the same room. This is the surgical floor, so if they need to keep you overnight, they can automatically do it without having to find a bed."

"Well, that makes sense," Hoseok responded

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"Well, that makes sense," Hoseok responded. The escort left, and not a minute later, the nurse came in. "Hello, Mr. Min. 

Can you tell me your birthdate please and your full name?" " Min Yoongi, the twenty-fifth of December, 1984. Hoseok was all ears for this because he had wanted to know for a while when Yooongi's birthday was. He could have pried and looked, but Yoongi found a way to dodge the question every time he asked.

"Thank you. Okay, Do you want me to call you Yoongi shi or Mr. Min?" "Yoongi is fine." "Yoongi, I need you to undress fully and put on the gown, open in the back. 

I will be taking blood work from you and starting an IV." The nurse left the room so Yoongi could undress. She came back with everything she needed to start the IV and take the blood work. 

When she was done, she was surprised to see the Doctor already on the floor. Choi Bohyun walked into the room. "Well, are you ready?" Dr. Choi asked.

"What is going to happen today?" Yoongi asked

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"What is going to happen today?" Yoongi asked. "We are going to take you in. Numb your groan. 

So I can run a catheter up to your heart and view it via a monitor. I will shoot dye through and see if there are any blockages. If there are any, I will open them up by either a balloon and or a stent." 

Dr. Choi responded."Okay, well, that sounds simple enough." Yoongi laughed, and Dr. Choi smiled.

Dr. Choi was filling out all the forms in Yoongi's chart as he was talking to Yoongi. "The Anesthesiologist will be in to check on you. Then the team will be here in a bit to take you back."

"How long is the procedure?" Hoseok asked."Once we are in there, about forty-five minutes. He will be brought right back to this room. 

He will have to stay lying flat for about four hours, maybe longer

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He will have to stay lying flat for about four hours, maybe longer. I prefer to go through the groin rather than the arm for these procedures." Dr. Choi left the room, and the Anesthesiologist came in and asked all of his questions. 

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