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Your brother should be brought up on charges, but Taeyang doesn't want to press any, he truly has the battered spouse syndrome." Yoongi still continued to hold Hoseok. "Thank you," Yoongi said after a long silence.

"What for?" "For letting me hold Taeyang last night." "He needed you." "Yes, he asked me to take him back."

"And?" "I told him again that I would always love him, but I could never be in love with him again. I did tell him I would help him get back on his feet though. I hope that you don't mind I offered that."

"Yoongiaa." Hoseok turned around in Yoongi's arms so he could look at him. "You need to do what you need to do, I know you have a lot of history with Taeyang."

"Well, I am going to move back into my house and sign my apartment over to him, so he has a place. That is the least I could do, to help him out, plus there is a bonus in all of this." Yoongi smiled.

"What is the bonus?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi's smirk and couldn't help but smile

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"What is the bonus?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi's smirk and couldn't help but smile. "I will only be a few blocks away from you. That is if you still want to stay in a relationship with me."

Hoseok smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "Of course, I would love to be in a relationship with you." Taeyang was standing in the hallway, tears in his eyes, he was hoping that Yoongi would come back to him after all he has been through, but as he heard, Yoongi has moved on. 

Now he felt all alone, he didn't have Junho or Yoongi. After hearing Yoongi and Hoseok in the kitchen that morning Taeyang went back to the bedroom he was sleeping in and sat on the bed. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he needed to get his things from Junho's house but was fearful that he would run into Junho. 

"I'm going to be alone." He kept repeating and he started to cry again. He didn't hear Yoongi walk back in and was startled when Yoongi put his arms around him.

"You aren't going to be alone Taeyang. I will be here whenever you need me, I just can't be in a relationship with you. I told you, I will always love you." 

Yoongi held Taeyang tighter to him because Taeyang was sobbing

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Yoongi held Taeyang tighter to him because Taeyang was sobbing. Hoseok heard him, looked in from the doorway and Yoongi motioned for him to leave them, to which Hoseok nodded his head and walked away. When Yoongi finally calmed Taeyang down, he talked with him about turning over his apartment to him and even said he would stay there with him for a few weeks to get him settled. 

Taeyang asked how he was going to get his belongings from Junho's and Yoongi stated that Junho is now in London and that whenever he would like to go and collect his things that all he has to do is say the word and Hoseok will have everything of Taeyang's moved to Yoongi's apartment. Taeyang asked if they could go and collect a few things that evening. Over the next few days, Yoongi helped Taeyang pack his things and set up all the boxes in the living room of Junho. 

Hoseok was true to his word, when everything was packed, he had a moving company move all of it to Yoongis, and Yoongi over the few weeks after getting Taeyang settled, packed his things up to move back into his house. Yoongi had to keep reassuring Taeyang that he will always be there for him because Taeyang seemed to have started to fall into a depression. 

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