Brock: Barnes is down there in the cell with them right now. You have to make this choice, sir.

Ryder: There has to be another option.

Jackal: Sir, I've always respected you, but Desipich betrayed the company and killed several of our soldiers in the process.

Brock: I agree with Jackal. That boy and Ramirez are enemies of Kronos and must be treated as such.

Ryder: That boy was once my son. I raised him like my own child.

Jackal: And your child betrayed his people for the wastelanders. For Dante Fenix, who is now dead.

Ryder: And you both want me to execute them?

Brock: How many Zeus Corps Soldiers who were sons? who had sons? Wives? Did Desipich and those other wastelanders he was with kill in cold blood?

Ryder: Those Zeus Corps Soldiers made their choice. Are you two telling me or asking me to kill my son?

Brock: Jason, I am imploring you to prove to Kronos that this type of thing; what Desipich has done cannot go unpunished.

Ryder: And what if this was Rory?

Brock: mind to give me and Ryder a minute?

Jackal nods, before leaving the room.

Brock: Look, everything that we've fought for, all the sacrifices of the men and women, all the horrific things we've's justified.

Ryder: Kyle is like my flesh and blood so I ask you again; if this was your daughter, your blood, down there in that cell with Catherine, what would you do? Would you spare her, give her the chance to atone....or would you kill her to prove a point?

Before Brock can answer, Rory enters, carrying a plate of food.

Brock: Rory...

Rory: I heard about the attack on Midtown Manhattan....and thought you could use some dinner.

Brock: Thank you, sweetheart....(to Ryder) Listen, Jason...

Ryder raises his hand.

Ryder: Stop. It'll be done.

Brock: Thank you, sir. Do you want me to assemble the firing squad?

Ryder: No, Kyle....will die by my hand...same with Ramirez. I'll do it myself....I'm going to go tell Shawn.

Brock: Why?

Ryder: Shawn was with Desipich and Ramirez in Midtown Manhattan for three months....and those boys grew up together....Shawn has a right to know. Hope you and Jackal are happy.

After Ryder leaves, Brock sits next to Rory.

Brock: How's your scar?

Rory: It's healing.....Dad, we're doing the right thing.

Brock: Are we?

Rory: If it was me down there in that cell, if I betrayed you, like Desipich betrayed Ryder and Kronos, I'd want you to kill me.

Brock: (scoffs) This fucking world....the choices always get harder....

Brock grabs Rory's hand.

Brock: Go get some sleep, baby.....tomorrow's gonna be a hard day....

Later in the evening, Rory is asleep when the alarm is blaring and David is shaking Rory awake. Another Zeus Corps Soldier, Alfred, a dark-skinned African American man, is also present.

David: Rory! Rory! Wake up!

Rory: Huh...what? What's happening?!

Alfred: It's Desipich. He's escaped!

Rory: What?!

David: He and Ramirez!

Rory: How?!

David: It's Burton! He's gone rogue!

Rory: Why?!

David: I don't know, but we gotta find them!

Rory, David and Alfred step throughout the Kronos halls with their weapons drawn.

Rory: Where's my Dad?

Alfred: He's put himself in a Titan suit....

David: Burton had some help from Hawkins and Schafer....

Rory: I thought Ryder was going to kill them!

Alfred: Ryder just wounded them....

Rory: Goddamn it....

A loud bang is heard.

David: Y'all hear that?!

The three rush to the end of the hall to notice Brock engaging Kyle, who is in a Titan suit.

Rory: Dad!

Rory attempts to shoot the glass, but realize it's bulletproof.

Rory: Fuck!

David: It's bulletproof!

Alfred: Downstairs! We can get to him downstairs! Let's move!

The three soldiers rush down the stairs and burst the doors open outside, just as Kyle has impaled Brock.

Rory: Dad! No!

Kyle rips off Brock's helmet as Brock appears beaten and bloodied.

Brock: Nice strategy,'re thinking like a soldier!

Kyle: Shut the fuck up!

Kyle begins to pummel Brock, who suddenly activates his suit's self-destruction.

Brock: (coughs up blood) I ain't going to hell alone, son.

Kyle: Shawn!

Shawn finally bypasses the exit's computer, before sprinting to Shawn, tackling him through the opening gate. Rory runs to Brock, who looks at his daughter one final time.

Rory: Dad!

Brock: Rory....

David: Rory! No!

Before Rory can reach Brock, his suit self-destructs, knocking Rory, David and Alfred down. In the aftermath, Rory, devastated, cries as David kneels down and comforts her.

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