American and Russian incident..

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*i am sorry for not posting but my mental health was very low but im good how hope you understand love*

Serbia's pov:

It's been 3 months since that fight i havent heard from him since that day not even rumors of him i used to hear on daily basics but I hope he is doing okey since i know i broke him by saying that but I cant change the past so whats done its done... Today..

Albania's pov:

Today is an meeting whit UN we have to have every 3 months so that means i have to see Serbia i know she regrets it but I will let her live in her missery like she broke me that evening

*At the meeting*

Third person's pov:

Eveyone is at their seats Serbia is starting at Albania and he acts like she doesn't exist like she is some air or an hologram while others are just talking about buissnis and such

Russia comes to the meeting and he starts talking to America which is unusual for them, then their start talking to other countries their talking rumors and everything is fine untill it comes to Serbia and Albania.. America was talking rumors about Albania since he is an smaller nation she didn't actually care for him she was only using him against the Serbian she didn't care for him...

Albania left the meeting to the waiting room crying since he saw her as a sibling as a sister the Serbian women went after him followed by everyone else...

The Serbian hugged the Albanian like it was something natural and started comforting him just then America came near them and started saying that he was sorry and other bullshit she didn't mean and Serbia started arguing then the Russian steped in i mean he is Serbias boyfriend he will be on her side but he decided to protect the American lady by then the room was already filled whit chaos of everyone talking or arguing UN and EU tried to calm everyone down but it didn't work then the Balkan countries sneeked out while everyone was to busy to notice their all went to the yugoslav house or house of hell as their call it and everyone was comforting Albania while Serbia was in the Corner watching then Greece came to her and hugged her then she started saying "i know how you feel i mean that he stood up for USA but not for you his girlfriend you also feel batreyed even if you don't want to admit it Serbia but I know you better then the others"
By then Serbia was near tearing apart she then walked and sat next to the Albanian and she was followed my everyone's eye looking at what she is gonna do next and she hugged him she simply hugged him then whispering in his ear
"I know how you feel the betrayal is big today i also felt it when Russia helped America but you have to be strong you can't let some world power ruin you happiness and trust in oothers we both need to be strong i am also very sorry for what I said months ago im still fealing guilty and I regret saying something that i know was your soft spot that i know was something that would hurt you Albania im sorry i beg for your forgivness even tho i know i do not deserve it" she whisperd that crying lightly since it was rare for her to cry

While she was whispering that the Albanian fell asleep by her calming words and voice that he always loved but never wanted to admit to love he also loved her looks but he Absolutely adored her blue eyes their always reminded him of the sea he loved despretly like it was some sort of drug he was addicted to their were so many things two enemys loved about each other that their couldnt admit so their hide it like it was some mistake that would ruin their whole life if their let the other one know

-Time skip-
*3 in the morning*

Albania's pov:
I woke up in an unknown bed and then I saw Serbia sleeping peacefully next to me i took some time to admire her beauty she looks like a rose the most beautiful on earth
Then the relazation hit me why am i thinkin about my enemy why are we in the same bed then I remember everything how i got to this house and how i fell asleep in her arms while she was whispering apologys and sweet nothing that always calmed me down then I remembered the betrayal i felt ,i remember the betrayal she felt from Russia i will never forgive USA for doing this to me,she played whit my fealings like i was some toy she can use for a puppet like a Playhouse like i was some Barbie doll for puppeting then I felt something snuggling to my body then I saw it, its Serbia is it wrong that i kissed her forehead while she is sleeping i dont know? Ugh i will just go to sleep she is making me hot when she is this close but I cant help but crack a smile that she is the one next to me no one else my enemy the one im suppost to hate whit everything I have is currently snuggling whit me and im smiling and i dont feal disgusted like im suppost to feal ugh the fealing hate and love are the same so confusing

Then the Albanian drifted to sleep cuddling the Serbian women like she was his like she was his girl his love the one he is suppost to hold the one he is suppost to protect

Im sorry if this chapter is short i try to do longer in next chapter hope you have a good morning/night where ever you are bye from Nini❤

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