Chapter 7: Luke

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Perhaps a turn around the deck when she hadn't been given shoes to wear was not the best idea. Sang carefully picked her way around the ropes coiled near the mast. She was still not able to walk steadily on the ship and she had little desire to return to her cramped quarters. She figured she would just rest by the mast until the captain saw fit to tell her how she was to help. She lowered herself gingerly to the deck, her stomach rolling with the ship. She hadn't been on the blasted ship for even a day but she was certain she never wanted to set foot on one again after this was all over. And it would be over as soon as they made port. She was determined to see to that. She sighed and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the thick, wooden mast.

"What's a matter Cupcake? Walking too good fer ye?" The soft, low voice was barely audible and impossible to locate when she sat up and looked around. She knew the mocking voice had to be another crew member but she couldn't find him.

"I...Um..." Sang felt a blush creep up her neck. Where had all her resolve and bravado gone from the night before? Just because a couple of the crew had been nice to her didn't mean the others wouldn't live up to the stories. No matter how nice some were she was still their captive. And she needed to find her resolve again. She would certainly need it when she saw the captain again. She took a deep breath and made herself relax against the mast again.

"Unlike you abhorrent creatures I have never been on a ship before. If there is some trick to walking about on one I do not know it." A bark of laughter rang out.

"Ye got some sass on ye, cupcake. That'll be fun."

Sang huffed loudly, "Oh, yes. quite fun. I like nothing better than being held captive pointlessly by a bunch of filthy pirates." Derision dripped heavily on her voice and she waved a hand as though going up a list, "Why it ranks right up there with talking to disembodied voices."

Another bark of laughter of rang out, "Oh so top o' the list then." Sang let out a startled gasp as someone landed silently in front of her. He looked at her and grinned and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Heavens, was there a shop for sexy pirates? And had the captain bought it out? Eyes the color of the chocolate Marie was so fond of twinkled at her mischievously. Long, blonde hair hung past his shoulders. Even in the crouch he had landed in it was clear that he had not an ounce of fat on his lean, well muscled frame. He was also nearly naked. A pair of well worn, tan breeches hung low on his hips, the ties hanging loose. His only other adornment was a length of leather tied around his wrist that she was sure was used to tie his hair when necessary.

"Ye might not be such a nasty little priss after all." Sang was offended and allowed it to show. "What's yer favorite food?"

Sang was confused by sudden change in topic, "What?"

"Food, Cupcake. What yer favorite? Like for breakfast."

Still confused Sang thought for a moment. "Well, Cook makes these breakfast cakes sprinkled with bits of chocolate. That would be my favorite I guess." The pirate grinned widely and Sang was a bit surprised to note that he had all his teeth and none were black or rotting.

"I know those, they be my favorite too. No one who likes those could be a priss." Sang stood, offended again at being called a priss. Her hands went to her hips and she glared at the man, who stood as well.

"I am no priss!" She declared hotly. The pirate raised an eyebrow at her, goodness could they all do that?

"Prove it Cupcake. Climb the rigging with me. " Her gaze followed his hand up and she swallowed down her nervousness. Something like this could go a long way to helping show these pirates she wasn't some pampered little princess. She nodded and her eyes went wide as the pirate left the ground in one leap and landed well up the rigging.

"Wait!" She called to him, "what's your name?"

He looked down at her and gave her another grin that sent warmth racing through her. " Lucian. Just call me Luke" He called back as she started to pick her way up the rigging. She was several feet off the ground, far enough to really hurt if she fell, when it occurred to her that perhaps, given her tendency to clumsiness, this wasn't a good idea after all. She shook off the uncertainty, knowing that if she allowed it to stay it would hinder her. She started up again having long since lost sight of Luke.

"What the Fuck are ye doing!" the angry shout came from below, startling her into letting go. She shrieked as she fell but landed in a pair of strong arms. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and swallowed hard as she looked into a pair angry black eyes. He scowled down at her.

"Who the fuck are ye?"

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