Chapter 6: Sean

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The subtle shifting of air and the tiny creak of the door opening woke Sang but her caution and fear made her stay still and regulate her breathing. She had no idea what these pirates had planned next. She felt the large gentle giant move away from her and mourned the loss of the heat and a tiny voice inside her said she also mourned the loss of his arms around her but she refused to acknowledge it.

"Silas," A soft voice greeted. It sounded more refined than the others she had met so far, except perhaps the captain.

"Hey Doc," She heard the deep rumble of Silas voice. A part of her wanted to seek solace as she had last night but her more rational self took over and told her if she kept pretending to be asleep she might learn something about their plans for her.

"Why ye on the bed?" She thought the question should have sounded more like a reprimand than a query.

"She had a nightmare Doc," Sang realized suddenly that the roughness of Silas speech and words seemed to have dropped off and left behind an accent she hadn't heard before. The doc hmmed. There was silence for a few moments and she heard them moving around the room. Unable to stay still any longer she rolled over and blinked her eyes open. The light in the room was natural but dim and she couldn't tell if it was because it was early in the day or because the window? porthole? was so tiny that only a small trickle of light came in. It was still enough to see Silas was making his way to her. He sat down and gently brushed her hair back.

"Morn'n Aggele. Doc is here. He goin' to take care of ye, kay?" She nodded and sat up as Silas left , moving with an ease across the room that she admired. There was a mild queasiness in her stomach and she was sure she would never be able to move across the ship in the same way Silas did. Her eyes moved to the other man in the room. She was surprised to see he was grinning at her. She blinked a couple times, sleep still fogging her brain.

"I be seein what all fuss is about then," He said. She was confused by him, but then that wasn't really a surprise. All these pirates seemed to be confusing her. And when did they all become so handsome? Lean, tall with blonde curls  and twinkling eyes their Doc was another fine example of man. The queasiness in her stomach gave way to butterflies as he continued to grin at her. She gathered her courage and resolve and uncurled from the bed. Her movement apparently brought the doc out of whatever trance he had entered as he moved toward her.

"Dr. Sean Green, " he introduced himself tipping his head to her and reaching for the black bag at his feet. " I'm gonna give ye a quick look, just t'be sure ye be all fine" he seemed quite professional until he waggled his eyebrows at her and grinned again, "course from here ye look beautiful." Sang couldn't help the blush that crept up her face or the giggle that escaped her. How utterly ridiculous he was! He checked her over with an efficiency that was only slightly marred by his incredibly flirtatious banter. Sang found herself smiling, giggling and blushing through the whole thing. Like Silas and Gabriel the doctor had her head spinning. Where was the hardened criminal she had heard so much about? Sean stepped back with a wide smile.

"Well, I declare thee a perfect poppet." Sang giggled again and Sean lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Ye best be careful, that be contagious you know." He said, mock seriousness on his face. She swallowed her next giggle and just smiled instead.

"Ye not at all what we thought ye'd be are ye?" This time he seemed to be genuinely wondering rather than the teasing of moments before. Unsure how to answer the question, or even if it was supposed to be answered, she remained silent, her gaze shifting to the floor.

"Well poppet, This should be fun. Ye be free for now but i imagine the cap'n will want to see ye afore long." He pushed a stray bit of hair back but it fell forward anyway. "Be good, poppet." he called back as he left. Sang waited for the click of the lock but it never came. With every member of the crew she met she became more confused. These pirates, these men, seemed far from the horrible miscreants the stories made them out to be. Well then, since they had failed to lock her in perhaps a turn around the deck would help clear head and help her remember that these men were not her friends.

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