Jimin nodded and got up from her seat, bowing to the doctor in respect, "I'm leaving."

The doctor got up from her seat, accompanying Jimin to the door, "Take care, Mrs. Lee."

The doctor shut the door close as soon as Jimin exited the room.

She stood there, silent, and only looked up as she heard her best friend approaching her.

"...Are you?"

Jimin took in a deep breath and bit her lip, hanging her head low.

"...Let's not talk about it."

"Helping out your brother, noona?"

Minjeong sighed and breathed out deeply, wiping her sweat out of her forehead.

"Hello there, Heeseung. How have you been doing?"

Heeseung laughed and patted the older's back, "Good, noona. Although I'm surprised to see you here working with your hair collected up in a bun."

"It's the only way I found to take my fringe out of the way."

Heeseung nodded knowingly, before taking another bite of the apple he was holding in his hand, "Mmm...It suits you well."

Minjeong sighed and put the engine in its place, before leaning off of the car, somehow cleaning up her hands with a cloth.

"You look down lately," Heeseung pointed out, looking at the older female worriedly. Minjeong grabbed a beer can and opened it, taking a long sip of the alcoholic beverage.

"Stuff," Minjeong whispered, "Lots of stuff bugging my head lately."

Heeseung suspected Minjeong's uneasiness was caused by Jimin, but he wasn't so sure about it and he just didn't want to bother his older friend with it.

"Understandable. So much going on lately."

"Jimin and I," Jeno smiled, and took her hand on his, "We're having a baby."

Jimin looked at her father, anxiously waiting for his answer. Her mind eventually rewinded back to when she had told him she was pregnant with Jeongwoo.

That night when Minjeong's family came over to her house for dinner and he humiliated them...And then, when she told her father she was pregnant with Minjeong's child, her father kicked her and called her a whore, telling her she should abort and that Minjeong was nothing more than a gold digger that was taking profit out of her naiveness so that she could have money with the cost of just having a child from her.


After hearing her father's exclamation, she looked at him again, getting distraught from her thoughts.

And then she saw it.

Her father's smile.

This time, there was no disgust...But a happy smile.

Her father laughed in happiness, as if he didn't want to believe what he was hearing.

"My first grandchild!"

The moment she heard that, it was as if everything around her crumbled. Hearing her father saying that, five years afterwards, made her only realize that her father didn't want to assume Jeongwoo as part of the family.

"My daughter got pregnant! Her first child!"

Jeno patted Jimin's hand, before looking at her with a smirk.

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