Taes back story 18+

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Ever since Tae was little, his parents would fight constantly but they'd make up by having sex. He was never taught what real love is. Once he started school, he heard of kids and their parents caring for him. He thought all parents were cruel and evil. He thought they were all just married for sex. So, going to school in kindergarten, when he met Jimin talk about things that weren't abusive or sex related. He wanted him to know what real love was by being abusive towards him.

Tae: Jimin, give me your money.

Jimin: why?

They are now in fifth grade. In order to eat food you need to pay five dollars.

Tae: because, I said so

Jimin: but, I only have five dollars.

Tae: give it up!

Jimin: but... What will I eat?

Tae: you're already fat enough. You don't even have boobs. You look unattractive.

Jimin lowered his head. He started to tear up. Tae smacked his arm.

Tae: give me the money!

Jimin gave him his lunch money. Jimin sat at the table alone up until Tae came back with food. It was everything that Jimin loved to eat.

Jimin: you don't eat that kind of stuff... Why'd you get it?...

Tae: because, I can.

Jimin: okay...

Tae started to eat. Jimin just watched him eat. After lunch Jimin and Tae went to gym class. The gym teacher was being nice to Jimin and Tae didn't like that.

Tae: the gym teacher is a pedophile. He touches young girls.

Jimin: really?...

Tae: yeah. I'm your bestie so you have to believe me.

Tae smirked when Jimin finally believed him. He took Jimin with him to the bathroom.

Tae: so, have you ever been kissed?

Jimin: no.

Tae pinned Jimin to the wall. Jimin hasn't transitioned yet so he's still a girl at this point.

Jimin: what're you doing?

Tae kissed him. Jimin was shocked but he kissed back.

Tae: damn.

Jimin: no cursing!

Tae: you're too cute~ I can do whatever I want. You're mine. Only mine.

He caressed Jimins waist. Jimin wanted to remove his hand but he couldn't. Jimin just sighed.

Tae: I love you Jimin. Don't forget that.

Jimin: okay.

Jimin and Tae walked to class together. Once they go to their seats, Jimin sat down. Tae sat besides him. He kept bothering him during class. He'd pinch his side. He'd kick his leg. He'd poke his arm with a pencil. He'd pulled his hair. He'd do things to grab Taes attention.

Jimin: can you stop? Please?

Tae: I'm your friend and I can do what I want.

Jimin: okay...

Jimin started to stick up for himself more in high school. Tae only got more miserable. His parents started to prostitute him. They started it in high school on his first day and first year.

Tae: see you tomorrow Jimin.

Jimin: bye bye Tae!

Jimin walked home. Tae entered inside his house. His parents were waiting for him.

Mrs. Kim: hey, we got a job for you.

Tae: what is it?

Mrs. Kim: tell him.

Mr. Kim: wear this.

Tae: is this lingerie?

Mrs. Kim: of course you fucking idiot.

Tae: why do I need to wear this?

His dad slapped him across the face.

Mr. Kim: because I said so!

Tae: okay.

Tae went to his room. He changed into that piece of cloth. It can't be considered clothes. Once he was done, he went downstairs. His mom did his makeup and they brought him to this sketchy place.

Mrs. Kim: we'll pick you up by eight thirty. Behave and give those men what they want. They think you're a virgin. Say you need to pay 200 in order to have sex.

Tae: I am a virgin...

Mrs. Kim: wait, you are? I thought you were a slur based in how you dress.

Mr. Kim: let it go honey. He'll be a slut by the end of the night.

Mrs. Kim: true. He'll make is some money.

They make Tae go inside the building. A bunch of guys look at him. He feels so violated. All grown men. It was a place where you'd see Mafias meet up. A mafia was there actually. Tae didn't know what to do. A mafia came over to him.

Mafia: hey cutie.

Tae: who're you?

Tae said that as he cross his arms. He tried to act tough but deep down, he was terrified.

Mafia: being smart huh? Well listen here you little f*g, you're going to give me a good time whether you like it or not.

Tae: why?

He slapped Tae across the face. He grabbed him and he dragged him towards the space full of VIP rooms. Tae was thrown into the couch. The guy got on top of him. During that session, Tae was crying. It was painful and the guy was hurting him. He would go faster each time Tae was tell him to stop. After that, the guy left. Tae was left in there crying.

He hated how happy Jimin was be he couldn't stop himself from hurting him. He loves Jimins body. If he wasn't so messed up in the head, he'd be a good match for Jimin. He wants to hate him but he's so obsessed with him it's taken him over so he's now just confused.

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