high school

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Jimin was starting high school. He was nervous. Tae just wanted to have sex with the football players and basketball players. Try outs were today and Jimin wanted to do cheer leading. Around this time he was already transitioned. Jimin still wanted to cheerlead.

Jimin: I'll try out to be a cheer leading!

Tae: that's for girls only Jimin. Remember, You're pretending to have a dick even though you don't have one.

Jimin: but, I think I'll be fine...

Tae was jealous because the basketball players would want to date Jimin.

Tar: no cheer squad. Ya here?

Jimin: okay...

Jimin and Tae went to their class. They had all the same cases which meant Tae mentally and even psychically abused him. He'd pinch him for no reason or he'd just call him dumb if he got an answer wrong. He wasn't the best at math and Tae would call him dumb for it.

Jimin: ooh, sign ups are today.

Jimin sighed up for cheer leading. After school him and Tae would usually walk together after school. Jin would to but he joined robotics and he shook with that. He couldn't walk with them anymore.

Jimin: I have to go. You have to walk by yourself Tae. I'm sorry.

Tae: ugh. Why?

Jimin: well, uhm...

Tae: don't tell me.

Jimin looked down. Tae smacked his arm. Jimin started to tear up.

Tae: I said you weren't supposed to join!

Jimin: but I want to... I really want to cheer...

Tae: you're so annoying! Such a pain in the ass! We can't be friends anymore if you don't listen to me!

Jimin: I'm sorry! I won't go!

Tae: good! Now let's go home.

They walked home together. A guy from their class came over to Jimin. He liked Jimin a lot and he wanted to ask him out.

Hoshi: hey, Jimin.

Jimin: yeah?

Hoshi: here.

He gave Jimin a letter. He was blushing. Tae was pissed. No one could ask Jimin out.

Tae: let's go Jimin.

He starts to drag Jimin away. Jimin had the letter. Once Tae got home he went inside. Jimin the walked home. He went to his room and he read the letter. Jimin also started to blush. He confessed that he's loved Jimin even before be transitioned. He said he's loved him since middle school. Jimin blushes. He sees his number in the corner. He takes out his phone and he calls him. Hoshi picks up quickly.

Jimin: I accept your confession!

Hoshi: yes! Yes! Thank god! I'm so glad you did!

Jimin: I am too!

Jimin was sming like crazy. As was Hoshi. They talked all night up until their parents said go to bed. They hung up. Jimin squished his plushie while blushing. His first ever boyfriend. He knew Hoshi was a good boy, which he was a good boy. He really loved Jimin. It was the next day and Tae was waiting for Jimin to get ready. Once Jimin came outside. Tae saw what he was wearing. He rolled his eyes.

Tae: a crop top? You look stupid.

Jimin: hey. I look fine...

Tae: whatever. So, what did the note say?

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