One: A girl in the family

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Papa and Mama were a super happy couple, that was beloved by all in the town of Brooklyn. Their reason for their happiness? They were blessed with two healthy baby boys: Mario, and Luigi. The two would play together in sandboxes, and build castles. When bullies tried to mess with them, they would show them what they were made of and send them running. On this particular day, the family was coming home after a peaceful walk in the park, when all of a sudden, the skies darkened, and droplets of rain started pitter-pattering from the sky, luckily Papa brought an umbrella to shelter his family from the rain; Mario and Luigi were marveled by the drops of rain that fell on their head.

Suddenly, when passing a nearby alleyway, they heard a baby's cry. Judging from the child's cries they could tell it was a girl. If they were any type of family in Brooklyn, they would just leave the crying girl where she was and walked away, but they were the Marios, they always dedicated their lives to land a helping hand. Mario, the oldest, and the bravest, dashed into the alley first, without fear of any consequences, which soon lead his brother and parents to go after him. What they found next, however, broke their hearts.A little girl with tanned skin, and grey eyes; wearing a green frog hat, which covered her raven  hair; and a purple and white striped shirt and khaki shorts, laying in a cardboard box crying. But seeing the family peeking through, however, provided her with some kind of safety.

"Oh, you poor thing, come with us, we'll take good care of you," Mama said, as she picked her up and rocked the child in her arms.

"I don't know dear," Papa said, "Isn't two already enough?"

"I'm sure we can manage, amore mio," she replied, "besides, she'll be a good company our boys."

Seeing the child smile, and babble at him, Papa held the child in his arms and swore an oath that he'll be the best father he could be. With, he wanted his boys to do the same.

"Be nice to your little sister, bambinos, and take care of her," Papa advised, "remember, you only have each other."

Mario and Luigi were elated to have one more sibling in their family, which meant they will have another person to play with!

They grew up together in love and care, and the Mario's younger sister had grown into a quirky, and curious young lady, which also meant that she was the additional reason for her parent's grey hairs. Even when she got older, her curiosity never diminished. She would help her mom plant all kinds of flowers, which awoke in her a passion for flowers. But despite her eccentric attitude, she was also bullied a lot, but she never let those words get to her. One day, she spotted the same bully with sunglasses, threatening a little caterpillar. Luckily, the young girl managed to scoop the little critter, before any harm could be done.

"Hey, leave this little critter alone," She shouted, "What'd he do to you?"

The blond bully stared down at her.

"He's just a disgusting bug, don't be a sissy."

"He's not disgusting, YOU'RE DISGUSTING!!!" she snapped back.

The brothers got worried for their sister, and Mario's protective instincts were kicking in.

"Yeah, you haven't changed at all, Brad," Luigi screamed, "get lost!"

"I can't believe it, a coward protecting the froggy girl," Brad sneered, "no wonder you were adopted by those frea—!!!"


Brad suffered a humiliating blow to the face, by his agressee.

"I may've been adopted, by freaks sure," she said, "but at least they raised and loved me better than you'll ever be."

Once again, the bully ran away wailing, and the brothers stood in awe.

"Wow, that was hardcore!" Mario praised, "You showed that brat whose boss!"

"Yeah," Luigi said, "but where did the caterpillar go?"

"He's right here," their sister smiled, "under my hat."

The girl scooped the bug up gently and showed it to her brothers. It even smiled and waved at them. Soon afterward, they brought the little caterpillar to a safe place, where he could eat and thrive. But the critter didn't want to leave its savior, empty-handed, so he came with a red tulip in his mouth.

"It's for me?" she asked," to which he responded with a regal bow.

"Oh, thank you." She replied, planting a kiss on his bright orange nose before she and the brothers left.

" I know you mean well," but did you have to give a kiss to a caterpillar out of all people?" Luigi asked, in disgust, "besides he doesn't eve know your name.'

"I Guess my name's Froggy, Luigi."

Mario laughed,

"No, Sorella, that can't be your name."

The girl frowned.

"I don't remember anything else, Mario."

Mario found that quote suspicious but thought nothing of it at first.

"Really? C'mon then, Froggy, mama's making pasta tonight."

The trio walked away into the setting, Summer's son, hand in hand. Meanwhile that strange green caterpillar watched them leave, with a smitten look. As for his nature, he was surrounded by those plants, but now he found a purpose to love them even more. That girl with the frog hat was now to him more than just the one who saved him, but the one who stole his little heart...

"' Till we meet again, Froggy..." the critter swooned under smittened breath.

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