Charming 2- Elijah, Kol, and Klaus

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While dealing with your Gemini family drama and two humanity free vampires (Caroline and Stefan), not only did you completely suppress any rejection you were feeling about the Mikealsons moving on, you made another prison world with Kai and Bonnie to get a second dose of the cure, you got to know Jo better, and you died again.

You distracted Kai with making another prison world under the guise that your true reason for doing so was to get another cure while the rest of the Gemini coven worked on a spell to unlink the coven.

That spell required the blood of someone outside the coven but inside the family aka you. The amount of blood it required was a lot. Your dad sliced your throat and sacrificed you.

You knew that you couldn't trust him or the rest of the coven so you had a plan in case you died. You found the resuscitation potion that was originally gonna be used for Katherine in the sun and moon curse ritual. Elijah had left it at the Salvatore house long ago and you kept it.

You let your family think that you were truly dead. You had enough of them. The only member of your family who knew the truth was your long lost sister Jo.

You pawned an even bigger paragon diamond you got from the 1994 prison world, used that money to move to Orlando and get annual passes for both Disney and Universal. Damon even gave you his car. (Out of gratitude since you gave him and Elena one dose of the cure)

You were living a good life. You had an Etsy store making daylight rings and giving out spells. It was easy money.

You were on the phone with Damon as you were cleaning up from breakfast, "Damon, for the last time, I'm not going to go on a date with Enzo"

On the other line Damon pointed out, "You two would be perfect together. I know he's your type."

Damon was right about that but before you could deny it, you were getting a call from another friend: Marcel.

"Hold on, Damon. I'm getting another call" you put Damon on hold to talk to Marcel, "Hey, what's going on?"

Marcel asked, "How fast can you get to New Orleans?"

"Um I'm in Orlando so not that fast"

"Alright then we'll meet you halfway"

You asked, "Umm what's so urgent, Marcel? And who is we?"

Marcel responded, "It's a long story but I need you to siphon some venom from Cami. If you don't she'll die"

"Okay. But I better get the whole story later cause what you just said is super confusing"

Especially since last you knew, Cami was human and Klaus' blood was the cure to a werewolf bite.

You grabbed your keys and left. You didn't even both changing out of your pajamas.

You drove all the way to a gas station in Marianna, Florida- the halfway point between Orlando and New Orleans.

You got there a few minutes before Marcel did. He hurried out the car and helped Cami out. She wasn't looking too good but you had seen worse.

Cami said, "Wait a second I know you. You're the one who saved my uncle"

That was the last time you went to New Orleans that Klaus and Elijah knew about and you intended to keep it that way.

You told her, "Yeah I did and I'm also gonna save you. Where were you bit?"

"Here on my arm"

You put your hand right around the bite mark and siphoned away the venom. The venom felt different than any other werewolf or hybrid venom you had siphoned before.

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