Unexpected- Jeremy

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(In this one, I'm giving you the Gemini background. This is the start of a long series with three guys. I'll leave the other two a secret for now)

You were more experienced than Bonnie. After Sheila died, you took over teaching Bonnie magic.

You had a bracelet that you got for you tenth birthday from Sheila with magic to be siphoned in times of need which happened more than often than one would think.

It was after the masquerade ball. Elena was missing and Katherine was in the tomb.

You told Stefan, "I can siphon the tomb spell off but I won't. I'm not letting Katherine out. I can just do a locator spell to find Elena. I just need Jeremy, a map, an empty classroom, and some candles"

You did the spell. You couldn't get a precise location but you got as close as you could. Stefan and Damon went to find her. You went over to the Gilbert's house and up to Jeremy's room with him.

You told him, "Relax, Jer. Damon and Stefan are going to save her"

"You don't know that" said Jeremy.

"Neither does Elena. We can send her a message. I need a candle, her hair brush, and paper"

You did the spell, no problem. The magic battery on the bracelet was running low. It'd need time to regenerate.

Jeremy pointed out, "Your bracelet. It just changed from yellow to red. Earlier it was green"

You explained, "It's magic. The color represents how much is in it. Green full battery. Red running low. If it's black, that's a problem"

"What would black mean?"

"No magic left and it won't regenerate. I've never had it go black before"

Stefan and Damon saved Elena. You were glad she was okay, not so glad you had school to go to the next day.

You dropped one of your books on your way into the building but lucky you, Jeremy caught it.

Jeremy caught the book, "Here I got it"

You grabbed the book from him, "Thanks. Where's Elena?"

"She's actually um running late today So what are you doin' later? You wanna hang out at the grill, shoot some pool? Winner runs the table?"

You didn't really know why Jeremy was asking to hang out. You two just didn't do that. But then again, it wasn't something you would say no to.

"Um why?" you asked.

Jeremy asked, "Why what?"

"You've never asked me to play pool let alone hang out so why now?"

"Uh I don't know. Thought it would be fun. Never mind"

You said, "No. It sounds fun. Just know I don't know how to play pool"

You noticed Bonnie giving directions to a new kid  at school. They seemed to hit it off.

He even did the awkward thing where his arms around him and showed you how to do it. It was your turn and you didn't have his help so you completely missed the striped ball you were aiming for.

Jeremy remarked, "It's official"

"What?" You asked.

"You suck at pool"

"Well this is my first time. Cut me some slack"

Bonnie came to the grill. You heard she was coming to meet Caroline there. Maybe she just wanted to spy on you or something.

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