Charming- Elijah, Kol, and Klaus

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You had a thing for accents, no doubt. What you had with the Mikealsons made that clear. You had Elijah, Klaus, and Kol wrapped around your finger more or less.

How was a very interesting story.

You were the older sister of Liv and Luke Parker (only by a year) and you were a siphon which could make you a very useful ally and it meant that you had plenty of your own family issues.

You ran away from Portland when you were just 14. Your class took a trip to DC and took a bus to Mystic Falls. Ever since you lived with Sheila Bennett. After she died, you got the house.

You had two part time jobs after graduating high school. One as a hostess at the mystic grill and the other as the council secretary. It was good to be in the loop. Also at times, you were more or less Mrs. Lockwood's assistant but she paid you very well and even gave you some old clothes and jewelry.

If you hadn't gone to Mystic Falls, you never would have met the Mikealsons. You never would have thought that you could ever have someone love you let alone three brothers. And in a span of under two years no less.

First it was Elijah. You met him at some event at the Lockwoods. You couldn't help but to be curious at what he was doing in Mystic Falls.

You knew who he was. Original vampire, always wears a suit. You had heard the stories from plenty of sources- old Gemini books, Marcel and other vampires, other witches, etc.

He was like no one you had ever met before. Even when you barely knew each other, you knew you could trust him. There was just this instant connection.

You adored his devotion to his family. It was something you wish you could have experienced with your own.

You loved the surprised looks on the Salvatore brothers faces when he brought you to dinner. Then the look on John's face when you told him you're a witch.

The way Elijah made you feel was like nothing you had experienced before. He knew who you were and you truly mattered to him.

This chapter of your love life ended with Klaus daggering his older brother.

Then it was Klaus. He first really noticed you when you siphoned Tyler's hybrid bite from Caroline. You were a little scared that he would kill you for being able to cure a wolf bite but he didn't. He was impressed.

You couldn't turn down his invitation to be his date at the Mikealson ball, figuring that would end badly if you did.

You had been hoping to reconnect with Elijah but that night, Klaus had your attention.

You had expected Klaus to be this big bad original hybrid who didn't care for anyone but you were wrong. Klaus was just as broken as you.

The two of you just had an understanding of each other that no one else did. What it was like for your own father to think you were an abomination. To have complicated relationships with your family.

You were always reluctantly used as Klaus bait. You never thought going after him was a good idea but hey the town would be better off without the Salvatore brothers so you did it anyways.

You broke the link between the Mikealson siblings, you helped Klaus fake his death, put him back in his original body from Tyler's body, and save Rebekah from the new council.

Things got complicated when the hunter, Connor, rolled into town and the hunt for the cure began.

In the search for the cure, you were team Kol. You knew all about Silas and didn't want him roaming around Mystic Falls like the Mikaelsons.

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